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Outputs (324)

Polymer solar cells based on inkjet-printed PEDOT: PSS layer (2009)
Journal Article
Eom, S. H., Senthilarasu, S., Uthirakumar, P., Yoon, S. C., Lim, J., Lee, C., Lim, H. S., Lee, J., & Lee, S.-H. (2009). Polymer solar cells based on inkjet-printed PEDOT: PSS layer. Organic Electronics, 10(3), 536-542.

In this article, we have demonstrated solar cell performance of the inkjet-printed PEDOT:PSS layer and the roles of additives in device efficiency. The newly proposed PEDOT:PSS inks with additives of glycerol and surfactant show the improved surface... Read More about Polymer solar cells based on inkjet-printed PEDOT: PSS layer.

Wideband Reduced-Size Balanced Antenna Design for Mobile Handsets (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhou, D., Abd-Alhameed, R. A., See, C. H., Alhaddad, A., & Excell, P. S. (2009, February). Wideband Reduced-Size Balanced Antenna Design for Mobile Handsets. Presented at Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Propagation and Electronics, Amman, Jordon

Off-shoring in the contact centre industry and employment in the North West of England (2009)
Journal Article
Peck, F., & Cabras, I. (2009). Off-shoring in the contact centre industry and employment in the North West of England. Service Industries Journal, 29(2), 173-184.

The significance of contact centre employment has recently been the subject of renewed debate in regional policy-making of late, driven by media comment on the threat of off-shoring. Despite these concerns, empirical research on the scale of such act... Read More about Off-shoring in the contact centre industry and employment in the North West of England.

The water vapor sorption behavior of natural fibers (2009)
Journal Article
Hill, C. A. S., Norton, A., & Newman, G. (2009). The water vapor sorption behavior of natural fibers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112(3), 1524-1537.

The water vapor sorption behavior of a range of natural fibers (jute, flax, coir, cotton, hemp, Sitka spruce) has been studied. The data was analyzed using the Hailwood Horrobin model for isotherm fitting and determination of monolayer moisture conte... Read More about The water vapor sorption behavior of natural fibers.

Computing the State of Specknets: an immune-inspired approach. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davoudani, D., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2008, June). Computing the State of Specknets: an immune-inspired approach. Presented at International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2008. SPECTS 2008

Speckled Computing is an emerging technology based on the
deployment of thousands of minute semiconductor grains in
dense, wireless networks known as Specknets. Specknets collect
and process data to achieve some application dependent
functionalit... Read More about Computing the State of Specknets: an immune-inspired approach..

The Pull-Out Problem in Restoring Marble Fragments: A Design Criterion Based on Experimental Results (2009)
Journal Article
Marinelli, A., Papanicolopulos, S.-A., Kourkoulis, S., & Vayas, I. (2009). The Pull-Out Problem in Restoring Marble Fragments: A Design Criterion Based on Experimental Results. Strain, 45(5), 433-444.

For the development of innovative connections for the restoration of the integrity of structural elements of ancient stone temples, it is imperative, among others, to understand the reasons of the ‘pull-out’ phenomenon. Pull-out can be defined as the... Read More about The Pull-Out Problem in Restoring Marble Fragments: A Design Criterion Based on Experimental Results.

Impact of speed change on estimated journey time: Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed (2009)
Journal Article
Fuller, R., Gormley, M., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N., O'Dolan, C., & Hannigan, B. (2009). Impact of speed change on estimated journey time: Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed. Accident analysis and prevention, 41(1), 10-14.

Higher speeds are associated with increases in the probability of crashing and the severity of the outcome. Logically drivers speed to save time, and research evidence supports this assertion. It is therefore important to investigate drivers’ underst... Read More about Impact of speed change on estimated journey time: Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed.

Writing about listening: alternative discourses in rock journalism (2009)
Journal Article
Atton, C. (2009). Writing about listening: alternative discourses in rock journalism. Popular Music, 28(01), 53-67.

‘Alternative’ publications challenge the conventional discourses of rock journalism. In particular, the dominant discourses of authenticity, masculinity and mythology might be countered by publications that emphasise historical and (sub)cultural fra... Read More about Writing about listening: alternative discourses in rock journalism.