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Outputs (219)

Applying a policy-based framework to manage quality of service requirements in the virtual home environment (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yew, A., Liotta, A., & Pavlou, G. (2002, April). Applying a policy-based framework to manage quality of service requirements in the virtual home environment. Presented at 2002 IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, USA

The deployment of the virtual home environment (VHE) concept in 3G mobile systems in the near future will place many demands on managing a user's personalised service environment. Key to the VHE concept is the performance of such services, resulting... Read More about Applying a policy-based framework to manage quality of service requirements in the virtual home environment.

A new neural network and pole placement based adaptive composite controller (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hussain, A., Zayed, A. S., & Smith, L. (2001, December). A new neural network and pole placement based adaptive composite controller. Presented at Multi Topic, IEEE International Conference, Lahore, Pakistan

The paper describes a new composite control method combining a neural network estimator with a conventional pole-placement based adaptive controller. The neural network estimation technique presented by Hussain (2000) is particularly effective when t... Read More about A new neural network and pole placement based adaptive composite controller.

A Scalable and Robust Framework for Distributed Applications (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jelasity, M., Preuss, M., & Paechter, B. (2002, May). A Scalable and Robust Framework for Distributed Applications. Presented at 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'02), Honolulu, HI, US

This paper describes a novel tool for running distributed experiments on the Internet. The possible applications include simple load balancing, parallel evolutionary computation, agent-based simulation and artificial life. Our environment is based on... Read More about A Scalable and Robust Framework for Distributed Applications.

Two approaches to representing multiple overlapping classifications: a comparison [plant taxonomy] (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Raguenaud, C., Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2001, July). Two approaches to representing multiple overlapping classifications: a comparison [plant taxonomy]. Presented at Thirteenth International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. SSDBM 2001, Fairfax, VA, USA, USA

Plant taxonomy is the science of classification of plants. One of the tasks of plant taxonomy is the creation of classifications of organisms that allows the understanding of the evolutionary relationships between them. In this paper we describe two... Read More about Two approaches to representing multiple overlapping classifications: a comparison [plant taxonomy].

New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davenport, E., & Hall, H. (2001, January). New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework. Presented at Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

The role of communities of practice in knowledge creation is recognized in a number of contexts. The authors take a socio-technical perspective and identify four characteristics of such communities: situated learning, situated action, distributed cog... Read More about New knowledge and micro-level online organization: 'communities of practice' as a development framework.

Coded path routing: a new approach to broadcasting in 3-D meshes, Technical Report (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Al-Dubai, A., & Ould-Khaoua, M. (2001, April). Coded path routing: a new approach to broadcasting in 3-D meshes, Technical Report. Presented at 20th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Broadcast is an important collective communication operation required by many real-world parallel applications. This paper proposes the Coded Path Routing (or CPR for short) as a new approach for designing efficient broadcast algorithms for wormhole-... Read More about Coded path routing: a new approach to broadcasting in 3-D meshes, Technical Report.

An intelligent agent security intrusion system (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pikoulas, J., Buchanan, W., Mannion, M., & Triantafyllopoulos, K. (2002, April). An intelligent agent security intrusion system. Presented at Ninth Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, Lund, Sweden

Network security has now become one of the most important aspects in computer systems and the Internet. Apart from strong encryption, there is no definite method of truly securing network, thus they must be protected at different levels of the OSI mo... Read More about An intelligent agent security intrusion system.

On the design of scalable pipelined broadcasting for mesh networks (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Al-Dubai, A., & Ould-Khaoua, M. (2002, June). On the design of scalable pipelined broadcasting for mesh networks. Presented at 16th Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, 2002. Proceedings

Minimising the communication latency and achieving considerable scalability are of paramount importance when designing high performance broadcast algorithms. Many algorithms for wormhole-switched meshes have been widely reported in the literature. Ho... Read More about On the design of scalable pipelined broadcasting for mesh networks.

A General Model for the Answer-Perturbation Techniques (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stamate, D., Luchian, H., & Paechter, B. (1994, September). A General Model for the Answer-Perturbation Techniques. Presented at Seventh International Working Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, Charlottesville, VA, US

Answer-perturbation techniques for the protection of statistical databases have been previously introduced (Luchian and Stamate, 1992); they are flexible (perturbation kept under control), modular (do not interact with the DBMS) techniques, which com... Read More about A General Model for the Answer-Perturbation Techniques.

Isotropically conductive adhesives for electronic manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roeck, M., & Hunt, I. (2000, December). Isotropically conductive adhesives for electronic manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards. Presented at 3rd Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2000) (Cat. No.00EX456)

The use of polyester as flexible printed circuit board substrates implies that alternative low temperature curing conductive materials are required for assembling electronic circuits. In addition, conductive adhesives are used as a solution which eli... Read More about Isotropically conductive adhesives for electronic manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards.