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Outputs (198)

Using the blended spaces framework to design heritage stories with schoolchildren. (2015)
Journal Article
O'Keefe, B., & Benyon, D. (2015). Using the blended spaces framework to design heritage stories with schoolchildren. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 6, 7-16.

Blended spaces are spaces where a physical space is deliberately integrated in a close-knit way with a digital space. Blended spaces may take the form of a carefully designed meeting room, for example, that integrates collaborative media with the des... Read More about Using the blended spaces framework to design heritage stories with schoolchildren..

Influence of carbon nanotubes localization and transfer on electrical conductivity in PA66/(PS/PPE)/CNTs nanocomposites (2015)
Journal Article
Lee, C. J., Salehiyan, R., Ham, D. S., Cho, S. K., Lee, S., Kim, K. J., Yoo, Y., Hyun, K., Lee, J. H., & Choi, W. J. (2016). Influence of carbon nanotubes localization and transfer on electrical conductivity in PA66/(PS/PPE)/CNTs nanocomposites. Polymer, 84, 198-208.

The localization and transfer of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in PA66/(PS/PPE)/CNTs nanocomposites were investigated using several methods including TEM/EDS techniques, surface energy and wetting coefficient calculations, electrical conductivity measureme... Read More about Influence of carbon nanotubes localization and transfer on electrical conductivity in PA66/(PS/PPE)/CNTs nanocomposites.

A fictitious domain/distributed Lagrange multiplier based fluid–structure interaction scheme with hierarchical B-Spline grids (2015)
Journal Article
Kadapa, C., Dettmer, W., & Perić, D. (2016). A fictitious domain/distributed Lagrange multiplier based fluid–structure interaction scheme with hierarchical B-Spline grids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 301, 1-27.

We present a numerical scheme for fluid–structure interaction based on hierarchical B-Spline grids and fictitious domain/distributed Lagrange multipliers. The incompressible Navier–Stokes equations are solved over a Cartesian grid discretised with B-... Read More about A fictitious domain/distributed Lagrange multiplier based fluid–structure interaction scheme with hierarchical B-Spline grids.

Coupled heat transfer performance of a high temperature cup shaped porous absorber (2015)
Journal Article
Meng, X., Xia, X., Zhang, S., Sellami, N., & Mallick, T. (2016). Coupled heat transfer performance of a high temperature cup shaped porous absorber. Energy Conversion and Management, 110, 327-337.

In this article, a newly designed volumetric solar receiver (VSR) using cup-shaped Al2O3 porous absorber is studied through numerical simulations and experimental verification. The absorber achieves several advantages including lower heat loss and hi... Read More about Coupled heat transfer performance of a high temperature cup shaped porous absorber.

Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 Tungsten Bronze: A New High-Temperature n-Type Oxide Thermoelectric (2015)
Journal Article
Azough, F., Freer, R., Yeandel, S. R., Baran, J. D., Molinari, M., Parker, S. C., Guilmeau, E., Kepaptsoglou, D., Ramasse, Q., Knox, A., & others. (2016). Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 Tungsten Bronze: A New High-Temperature n-Type Oxide Thermoelectric. Journal of Electronic Materials, 45, 1894-1899.

Semiconducting Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 ceramics (with x = 0.00 to 0.85) were synthesized by the mixed oxide route followed by annealing in a reducing atmosphere; their high-temperature thermoelectric properties have been investigated. In conjunction wi... Read More about Ba6−3x Nd8+2x Ti18O54 Tungsten Bronze: A New High-Temperature n-Type Oxide Thermoelectric.

Personalization and street-level practice in activation: the case of the UK's work programme. (2015)
Journal Article
Fuertes, V., & Lindsay, C. (2016). Personalization and street-level practice in activation: the case of the UK's work programme. Public Administration, 94(2), 526-541.

This article discusses factors shaping street-level caseworkers' role in the ‘personalization’ of activation for people with employability and health-related barriers to work. Rice's (2013) micro-institutionalist framework understands street-level bu... Read More about Personalization and street-level practice in activation: the case of the UK's work programme..

Thickness dependence on structural, dielectric and AC conduction studies of vacuum evaporated Sr doped BaTiO3 thin films (2015)
Journal Article
Raja, S., Bellan, C. S., Sundaram, S., subramani, G., & Rajamani, R. (2016). Thickness dependence on structural, dielectric and AC conduction studies of vacuum evaporated Sr doped BaTiO3 thin films. Optik, 127(6), 3200-3205.

Barium titanate (BaTiO3) doped with Strontium (BST) nanoparticles prepared by using wet chemical method were thermally evaporated on to well cleaned glass substrates under the vacuum of 2 × 10−5 Torr, using 12A4 Hind Hivac coating unit. The thickness... Read More about Thickness dependence on structural, dielectric and AC conduction studies of vacuum evaporated Sr doped BaTiO3 thin films.

Extensional rheometry of cellulose ether solutions: flow instability (2015)
Journal Article
Vadodaria, S. S., & English, R. J. (2015). Extensional rheometry of cellulose ether solutions: flow instability. Cellulose, 23(1), 339-355.

Capillary breakup extensional rheometry
of semi-dilute hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) solutions
was performed under several step-stretch conditions.
The resulting parameters, i.e. terminal steady state
extensional viscosity (gE) and the timescale f... Read More about Extensional rheometry of cellulose ether solutions: flow instability.

Use of morphological features of carbonaceous materials for improved mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites (2015)
Journal Article
Atif, R., Wei, J., Shyha, I., & Inam, F. (2016). Use of morphological features of carbonaceous materials for improved mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites. RSC Advances, 6(2), 1351-1359.

The influence of reinforcement morphology on damage tolerance and fracture toughness of epoxy based nanocomposites has been studied. Two different forms of carbonaceous reinforcements were used: multi-layered graphene (MLG) and nanostructured graphit... Read More about Use of morphological features of carbonaceous materials for improved mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites.

Mould release technologies with regard to concrete surface finish (2015)
Journal Article
Shyha, I., Richardson, A., Coventry, K., & Ponton, H. (2016). Mould release technologies with regard to concrete surface finish. Magazine of Concrete Research, 68(2), 87-98.

Concrete durability is in part dependent upon the quality of the concrete cover zone. The type of mould release technology used has a direct effect on the surface finish of fair-faced concrete, and this in turn affects long-term durability. This work... Read More about Mould release technologies with regard to concrete surface finish.