Structured Teaching Prompt Articulation for Generative-AI Role Embodiment with Augmented Mirror Video Displays
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Casas, L., & Mitchell, K. (2024, December). Structured Teaching Prompt Articulation for Generative-AI Role Embodiment with Augmented Mirror Video Displays. Presented at VRCAI '24: The 19th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, Nanjing, China
Outputs (91)
DeFT-Net: Dual-Window Extended Frequency Transformer for Rhythmic Motion Prediction (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ademola, A., Sinclair, D., Koniaris, B., Hannah, S., & Mitchell, K. (2024, September). DeFT-Net: Dual-Window Extended Frequency Transformer for Rhythmic Motion Prediction. Presented at EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (2024), London, UKEnabling online virtual reality (VR) users to dance and move in a way that mirrors the real-world necessitates improvements in the accuracy of predicting human motion sequences paving way for an immersive and connected experience. However, the drawba... Read More about DeFT-Net: Dual-Window Extended Frequency Transformer for Rhythmic Motion Prediction.
Auditory Occlusion Based on the Human Body in the Direct Sound Path: Measured and Perceivable Effects (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McSeveney, S., Tamariz, M., McGregor, I., Koniaris, B., & Mitchell, K. (2024, September). Auditory Occlusion Based on the Human Body in the Direct Sound Path: Measured and Perceivable Effects. Presented at Audio Mostly 2024 - Explorations in Sonic Cultures, Milan, ItalyAudio plays a key role in the sense of immersion and presence in VR, as it correlates to improved enjoyment of content. We share results of a perception study on the ability of listeners to recognise auditory occlusion due to the presence of a human... Read More about Auditory Occlusion Based on the Human Body in the Direct Sound Path: Measured and Perceivable Effects.
DanceMark: An open telemetry framework for latency sensitive real-time networked immersive experiences (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Koniaris, B., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2024, March). DanceMark: An open telemetry framework for latency sensitive real-time networked immersive experiences. Presented at IEEE VR Workshop on Open Access Tools and Libraries for Virtual Reality, Orlando, FLDanceMark is an open telemetry framework designed for latency-sensitive real-time networked immersive experiences, focusing on online dancing in virtual reality within the DanceGraph platform. The goal is to minimize end-to-end latency and enhance us... Read More about DanceMark: An open telemetry framework for latency sensitive real-time networked immersive experiences.
MoodFlow: Orchestrating Conversations with Emotionally Intelligent Avatars in Mixed Reality (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Casas, L., Hannah, S., & Mitchell, K. (2024, March). MoodFlow: Orchestrating Conversations with Emotionally Intelligent Avatars in Mixed Reality. Presented at ANIVAE 2024 : 7th IEEE VR Internal Workshop on Animation in Virtual and Augmented Environments, Orlando, FloridaMoodFlow presents a novel approach at the intersection of mixed reality and conversational artificial intelligence for emotionally intelligent avatars. Through a state machine embedded in user prompts, the system decodes emotional nuances, enabling a... Read More about MoodFlow: Orchestrating Conversations with Emotionally Intelligent Avatars in Mixed Reality.
Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Casas, L., Mitchell, K., Tamariz, M., Hannah, S., Sinclair, D., Koniaris, B., & Kennedy, J. (2024, May). Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments. Presented at SIGCHI GenAI in UGC Workshop, Honolulu, HawaiiWe consider practical and social considerations of collaborating verbally with colleagues and friends, not confined by physical distance, but through seamless networked telepresence to interactively create shared virtual dance environments. In respon... Read More about Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments.
Expressive Talking Avatars (2024)
Journal Article
Pan, Y., Tan, S., Cheng, S., Lin, Q., Zeng, Z., & Mitchell, K. (2024). Expressive Talking Avatars. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(5), 2538-2548. avatars are common virtual representations used in VR to support interaction and communication between remote collaborators. However, explicit expressions are notoriously difficult to create, mainly because most current methods rely on geome... Read More about Expressive Talking Avatars.
Real-time Facial Animation for 3D Stylized Character with Emotion Dynamics (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pan, Y., Zhang, R., Wang, J., Ding, Y., & Mitchell, K. (2023, October). Real-time Facial Animation for 3D Stylized Character with Emotion Dynamics. Presented at 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Ottawa, CanadaOur aim is to improve animation production techniques' efficiency and effectiveness. We present two real-time solutions which drive character expressions in a geometrically consistent and perceptually valid way. Our first solution combines keyframe a... Read More about Real-time Facial Animation for 3D Stylized Character with Emotion Dynamics.
Intermediated Reality with an AI 3D Printed Character (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Casas, L., & Mitchell, K. (2023, August). Intermediated Reality with an AI 3D Printed Character. Presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Real-Time Live!, Los Angeles, CA, USAWe introduce live character conversational interactions in Intermediated Reality to bring real-world objects to life in Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The AI recognizes live speech and generates short character responses, sy... Read More about Intermediated Reality with an AI 3D Printed Character.
Editorial: Games May Host the First Rightful AI Citizens (2023)
Journal Article
Mitchell, K. (2023). Editorial: Games May Host the First Rightful AI Citizens. Games: Research and Practice, 1(2), 1-7. creatively take place in imaginative worlds informed by, but often not limited by, real-world challenges, and this advantageously provides an accelerated environment for innovation, where concepts and ideas can be explored unencumbered by physi... Read More about Editorial: Games May Host the First Rightful AI Citizens.