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Outputs (12)

(Dis)locating Democratisation: Grime, Digitalisation, and 'The PlayStation Generation' (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2021, May). (Dis)locating Democratisation: Grime, Digitalisation, and 'The PlayStation Generation'. Paper presented at Annual Symposium of Music Scholars in Finland, Online

For many commentators over the last two decades, digitisation represents nothing short of a watershed moment in how music is produced, stored, and consumed. In this paper, I address claims around the democratisation of music making with the advent of... Read More about (Dis)locating Democratisation: Grime, Digitalisation, and 'The PlayStation Generation'.

'Need we Say More': Contemporary Responses to the Fairlight CMI (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2020, December). 'Need we Say More': Contemporary Responses to the Fairlight CMI. Paper presented at Sound Instruments and Sonic Cultures: An Interdisciplinary Conference, National Science & Media Museum, Bradford/Online

Often described as the first digital sampler, the Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument (CMI) was primarily a digital synthesizer and computer workstation. Launched in 1979, it was one of the technologies that were used to re-shape the practices of m... Read More about 'Need we Say More': Contemporary Responses to the Fairlight CMI.

(Dis)locating Democratisation: Grime, Digitalisation, and ‘The PlayStation Generation’ (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2020, May). (Dis)locating Democratisation: Grime, Digitalisation, and ‘The PlayStation Generation’. Paper presented at London Calling IASPM UK & Ireland Conference, Online/University of West London

For many commentators over the last two decades, digitisation represents nothing short of a watershed moment in how music is produced, stored, and consumed. Just as the era of the fluid, non-degradable perfect digital copy has undermined the ability... Read More about (Dis)locating Democratisation: Grime, Digitalisation, and ‘The PlayStation Generation’.

Digital Sampling: The Design and Use of Music Technologies (2019)
Harkins, P. (2019). Digital Sampling: The Design and Use of Music Technologies. Routledge.

Digital Sampling is the first book about the design and use of sampling technologies that have shaped the sounds of popular music since the 1980s.

Written in two parts, Digital Sampling begins with an exploration of the Fairlight CMI and how artis... Read More about Digital Sampling: The Design and Use of Music Technologies.

Can Music be Digitised? Samplers, Democratisation, and 'the Digital Age' (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2018, December). Can Music be Digitised? Samplers, Democratisation, and 'the Digital Age'. Paper presented at Music, Digitalisation, and Democracy, Abo Akademi University, Turku

Rather than an abrupt or revolutionary shift from analogue to digital, I will argue in this paper that the use of digital technologies such as samplers have been part of a more gradual process of socio-musical change. As well as examining the argumen... Read More about Can Music be Digitised? Samplers, Democratisation, and 'the Digital Age'.

Following the Distributors: Syco Systems and the Selling of Musical Instruments. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2018, September). Following the Distributors: Syco Systems and the Selling of Musical Instruments. Paper presented at Art of Record Production (ARP)/International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) UK & Ireland Branch Conference, University of Huddersfield, UK

Since the 1980s and 1990s, scholars in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and, more specifically, those adopting the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) approach have been investigating ‘the user-technology nexus’. This continued a shift in th... Read More about Following the Distributors: Syco Systems and the Selling of Musical Instruments..

Becoming a User? Science & Technology Studies (STS) and the Design/Use of Digital Synthesizer/Sampling Instruments (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2018, June). Becoming a User? Science & Technology Studies (STS) and the Design/Use of Digital Synthesizer/Sampling Instruments. Presented at Workshop on Objects of Electronic Sound & Music in Museums, National Science and Media Museum, Bradford

This provocation will give an overview of a research project about the historical and contemporary uses of digital synthesizer/sampling instruments. One of the problems I faced when developing a theoretical and conceptual framework was that the field... Read More about Becoming a User? Science & Technology Studies (STS) and the Design/Use of Digital Synthesizer/Sampling Instruments.

Questioning the Digital Revolution: Continuity and Change in the Design and Use of Music Technologies (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2017, June). Questioning the Digital Revolution: Continuity and Change in the Design and Use of Music Technologies. Paper presented at 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music

The use of digital technologies since the 1980s have changed the way in which music is stored, distributed, and consumed. The use of digital technologies has also reshaped the processes of musical production. This paper, though, challenges the view t... Read More about Questioning the Digital Revolution: Continuity and Change in the Design and Use of Music Technologies.

Following the Fairlight CMI and its Users: The Digital Reproduction of 'Real' Instruments and Sounds (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2017, June). Following the Fairlight CMI and its Users: The Digital Reproduction of 'Real' Instruments and Sounds. Paper presented at Galpin Society/AMIS Conference on Musical Instruments

This paper will focus on the Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument (CMI), which is generally regarded as the first commercially available digital sampler. However, its designers, Peter Vogel and Kim Ryrie, were primarily interested in the use of digi... Read More about Following the Fairlight CMI and its Users: The Digital Reproduction of 'Real' Instruments and Sounds.

'The Rest is History': Writing a History of Music Technologies and their Users (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harkins, P. (2017, March). 'The Rest is History': Writing a History of Music Technologies and their Users. Presented at Burgundy School of Business Research Seminar

The socio-musical practice of sampling is closely associated with the re-use of pre-existing sound recordings and the technological processes of looping. These practices, based on appropriation and repetition, have been particularly common within the... Read More about 'The Rest is History': Writing a History of Music Technologies and their Users.