Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks.
Book Chapter
Hosseinloo, S. H., Kanturska, U., Fonzone, A., & Bell, M. G. H. (2012). Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks. In E. Garbolino, M. Tkiouat, N. Yankevich, & D. Lachtar (Eds.), Transport of Dangerous Goods : Methods and Tools for Reducing the Risks of Accidents and Terrorist Attack (151-165). (Garbolino, Emmanuel; Tkiouat, Mohamed; Yankevich, Natalia; Lachtar, Dalanda). BMC.
Outputs (34)
Strategy choice in transit networks. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fonzone, A., Schmöcker, J., Kurauchi, F., & Hemdan, S. (2012, July). Strategy choice in transit networks. Paper presented at CASPT12 - Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport
Estimation of weights of times and transfers for hyperpath travellers. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kurauchi, F., Schmöcker, J., Fonzone, A., Hemdan, S., Shimamoto, H., & Bell, M. (2012, January). Estimation of weights of times and transfers for hyperpath travellers. Presented at 91st Annual TRB Meeting, Washington, DC
Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bell, M. G. H., Angeloudis, P., Liu, X., Fonzone, A., & Hosseinloo, S. H. (2011, January). Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services. Presented at 90th Annual TRB MeetingThis paper transposes the classic frequency-based transit assignment method of Spiess and Florian to containers demonstrating its promise as the basis for a global maritime container assignment model. In this model, containers are carried by shipping... Read More about Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services..
Assignment under consideration of seat availability: an application to London’s underground network. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schmöcker, J., Fonzone, A., & Bell, M. (2009, May). Assignment under consideration of seat availability: an application to London’s underground network. Paper presented at Mobil.TUM 2009 - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport
Improving reliability through multi-path routing and link defence: an application of game theory to transport. (2008)
Book Chapter
Kanturska, U., Schmoecker, J. D., Fonzone, A., & Bell, M. G. H. (2008). Improving reliability through multi-path routing and link defence: an application of game theory to transport. In Game Theoretic Risk Analysis of Security Threats (199-229). BMCThis paper looks at the vulnerability of transportation networks against minor (e.g. demonstrations) and major (e.g. terrorists attacks) incidents by using an attacker-defender model which applies the game theoretic approach proposed by Bell (2000).... Read More about Improving reliability through multi-path routing and link defence: an application of game theory to transport..
An innovative interpretation of reliability as an expression of the expected road service quality. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Berloco, N., & Fonzone, A. (2007, December). An innovative interpretation of reliability as an expression of the expected road service quality. Paper presented at 3rd International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability
Use of radar devices in road traffic surveys (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Guaragnella, C., Ranieri, V., & Fonzone, A. (2007, September). Use of radar devices in road traffic surveys. Presented at 4th SIIV International Congress "Advances in Transport Infrastructures and stakeholders expectations", Palermo, ItalyThe Department of Roads and Transportation of Polytechnic University of Bari owns CW radar devices for road traffic surveys. The radars can be used to measure traffic volumes and vehicle lengths and speeds. Radar’s manual suggests to refer to measure... Read More about Use of radar devices in road traffic surveys.
Structure of mobility phenomenon: outcomes of an exploratory analysis with techniques of non-linear multivariate analysis. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., d'Amoja, S., & Fonzone, A. (2005, September). Structure of mobility phenomenon: outcomes of an exploratory analysis with techniques of non-linear multivariate analysis. Paper presented at 3rd SIIV International Congress
From pavement maintenance to territory enhancement: the global road management system (GRMS). (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Fioretti, G., Fonzone, A., & Sasso, S. (2002, December). From pavement maintenance to territory enhancement: the global road management system (GRMS). Paper presented at On Safe Roads in the XXI. Century
Analysis of the interactions between road infrastructures and social-economic development. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., & Fonzone, A. (2002, December). Analysis of the interactions between road infrastructures and social-economic development. Paper presented at ACE 2002 - International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering
Il Global Road Management System (GRMS): un nuovo approccio per la manutenzione di una rete stradale. (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., Fonzone, A., & Sasso, S. (2002, December). Il Global Road Management System (GRMS): un nuovo approccio per la manutenzione di una rete stradale. Paper presented at XII Convegno Nazionale SIIV – Riqualificazione funzionale e sicurezza del sistema viario
Social economic factors influencing transport supply and demand: a conceptual framework and some evidences from statistical analysis. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colonna, P., & Fonzone, A. (2001, December). Social economic factors influencing transport supply and demand: a conceptual framework and some evidences from statistical analysis. Paper presented at AIPCR and IRC International Seminar on Sustainable Development in Road Transport
Mobilità e infrastrutture di trasporto: verso uno sviluppo come promozione delle opportunità.
Preprint / Working Paper
Colonna, P., & Fonzone, A. Mobilità e infrastrutture di trasporto: verso uno sviluppo come promozione delle opportunità. Durban, South Africa