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Outputs (14)

Minding the Gap for Biodiversity (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dodd, J. (2024, April). Minding the Gap for Biodiversity. Presented at UK DNA Working Group Conference, Inverness, UK

Searching for the Wiggle Signal - using reference condition predictions to inform river restoration expectations (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dodd, J. (2023, September). Searching for the Wiggle Signal - using reference condition predictions to inform river restoration expectations. Presented at Scientific Advances in River Restoration, Liverpool, UK

Macroinvertebrates are a commonly used group to invesgate the ecological response of a river to restoraon intervenon.
Reviews of the literature summarising the response of macroinvertebrates to river restoraon highlight variability in the strength... Read More about Searching for the Wiggle Signal - using reference condition predictions to inform river restoration expectations.

Using stable isotopes to assess the distribution of reproduction by migratory and resident Salmo trutta within river systems: some complicating factors (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Briers, R., Campbell, R., Galt, K., Walters, M., & Holmes, J. (2015, October). Using stable isotopes to assess the distribution of reproduction by migratory and resident Salmo trutta within river systems: some complicating factors. Presented at Second International Sea Trout Symposium

Understanding the distribution of spawning resident and migratory trout in a river system is important for fishery management. In most cases this information is lacking or only partial, and mostly derived from surveys of breeding adults. Stable isoto... Read More about Using stable isotopes to assess the distribution of reproduction by migratory and resident Salmo trutta within river systems: some complicating factors.

An unexpected journey: Diurnal movement into deeper waters by humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf pairs observed off Northwest Maui, Hawai’i (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pack, A., Craig, A., & Waterman, J. (2017, October). An unexpected journey: Diurnal movement into deeper waters by humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf pairs observed off Northwest Maui, Hawai’i. Poster presented at 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Recent studies of humpback whale habitat use in the Hawaiian breeding grounds have revealed that mother-calf pairs favor shallow waters to avoid harassment from male humpbacks. However, human activity in these same shallow waters may, in theory, exe... Read More about An unexpected journey: Diurnal movement into deeper waters by humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) mother-calf pairs observed off Northwest Maui, Hawai’i.

Veterinary Nurse training in the UK (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cooper, B., & Smith, D. (2015, November). Veterinary Nurse training in the UK. Presented at 7th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

Veterinary Nursing in the UK is still a relatively young profession. Whilst it is known that there were animal nurses in existence in the late 1800’s the role and title ‘Veterinary Nurse’ has only been fully
recognised since 1984. Opportunities to t... Read More about Veterinary Nurse training in the UK.

Regulations relating to Registered Veterinary Nurses in the United Kingdom. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, D., & Copper, B. (2015, November). Regulations relating to Registered Veterinary Nurses in the United Kingdom. Presented at 7th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

Veterinary nursing is now a well recognise professional route in the UK. There is considerable capacity within the industry to increase the number of veterinary nurses employed. As the veterinary care sector of the economy continues to expand the r... Read More about Regulations relating to Registered Veterinary Nurses in the United Kingdom..

Ensuring standards of clinical care provided by veterinary nurses through regulation, registration and accredited training. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, D., Dougherty, K., & Yates, K. (2015, November). Ensuring standards of clinical care provided by veterinary nurses through regulation, registration and accredited training. Presented at 7th Kerala Veterinary Science Congress

The gestation of veterinary nursing as a recognised and self-regulated profession in the United Kingdom can be best described as long and difficult. Caught between the twin expectations and anxieties of the well-established professions of nursing an... Read More about Ensuring standards of clinical care provided by veterinary nurses through regulation, registration and accredited training..

A method for deriving time-variable avian re-nesting probability functions for use in seasonal productivity models (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
White, P. (2013, April). A method for deriving time-variable avian re-nesting probability functions for use in seasonal productivity models. Presented at BOU Annual Conference. From populations to policy impact: avian demography in a changing world

The demographic parameters productivity, survival and migration ultimately determine local avian population trends. Their measurement is essential in bird conservation, for diagnosing proximate causes of population declines and for testing responses... Read More about A method for deriving time-variable avian re-nesting probability functions for use in seasonal productivity models.

¿Existe un papel para biosaf en las dietas de equinos? (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stebbens, H. R., Smith, D., & Cuddeford, D. (2002, December). ¿Existe un papel para biosaf en las dietas de equinos?. Paper presented at el V Seminario Internacional de Microbiología Aplicada a la Nutrición Animal, Guadalajara, 2002

Translation from Spanish:
BIOSAF Sc47 has been incorporated into the diets of rabbits, sheep, cattle, and pigs, where has allowed a better use of the food, high consumption and better productive performance in general. Its mode of action is not full... Read More about ¿Existe un papel para biosaf en las dietas de equinos?.