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Outputs (4)

"So far back, I'm anonymous": Exploring Student Identity using Photovoice (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., Cairncross, S., & Varey, A. (2018, October). "So far back, I'm anonymous": Exploring Student Identity using Photovoice. Presented at Frontiers in Education, San Jose, CA, USA

This Research Full paper presents empirical work focused on the transition experiences of transfer students into computing degrees in Scotland and seeks to understand the complex formation of identity from the student perspective. Drawing on [3]'s wo... Read More about "So far back, I'm anonymous": Exploring Student Identity using Photovoice.

"We're coming from different worlds" : exploring student identity during transition (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., Varey, A., & Cairncross, S. (2018, December). "We're coming from different worlds" : exploring student identity during transition. Presented at SRHE Newer and Early Career Conference 2018, Newport, Wales

This study presents empirical work examining the student journey from further to higher education in computing degrees in Scotland and seeks to understand the complex formation of identity, from the student perspective, during transition. In Scotlan... Read More about "We're coming from different worlds" : exploring student identity during transition.

A Comparative Study of Transitional Support: Identifying Best Practice (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Marr, S., & Meharg, D. (2017, June). A Comparative Study of Transitional Support: Identifying Best Practice. Presented at 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference, Glasgow, Scotland

This study shares the findings of a comparative case study, examining support for students transitioning from further education institutes (FEIs) to advanced entry in university. This case study compares transition support in two different subject ar... Read More about A Comparative Study of Transitional Support: Identifying Best Practice.

Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., & Fotheringham, J. (2014, April). Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university. Presented at Attainment for All: Inclusivity, Diversity and Success in LTHE: First Annual Conference on Equality and Diversity in Teaching and Learning in Scottish Higher Education, Glasgow

Widening participation in higher education continues to be a key focus for Scottish government and the 2013 Post-16 Education (Scotland) Act places obligations upon Universities to achieve progress in this regard. The Act also makes provision for Add... Read More about Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university.