PhD External Examiner - Aalto University [Finland]
Prof Francesco Pomponi's Recognition (78)
Royal Academy of Engineering - Frontiers of Engineering for Development symposium: The Circular Economy - Invited Participant
Lead Editor for the Springer Nature book on 'Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Measurement, Management, and Mitigation'
Invited Reviewer by the Italian Ministry of Education for the Scientific Quality of its Research
Expert Meeting of the International Energy Agency - Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Invited speaker: UK Green Building Council Event "Advancing Net Zero: next steps in holistic carbon reduction"
Invited reviewer for funding applications for Industrial Doctorates - Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Scientific Committee Member for IALCCE (International Association for Life Cycle Civil Engineering) 2018
Invited keynote - Opening Ceremony of the Sudanese Sustainable Building Council
Chair of the Design for Sustainability Track - International Sustainable Development Research Society
Invited Reviewer Elsevier book on "Sustainable Construction Technologies"
Invited expert for International Energy Agency Policy Forum - Materials trends in Building Construction
Invited Reviewer FWO Postdoctoral Fellowship
Reviewer for funding applications (Industry Fellowships) to the Royal Society
Guest Lecture on Embodied Carbon - Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Bogota' (Colombia)
Member of the scientific committee of the 34th International PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture) Conference
Member of the organising committee of the 33rd International Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference
Festival of Research - Brighton Doctoral College, Early Career Researchers discussion panel