Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Prof Inga Heyman's Recognition (93)
Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health
Core Steering Group National Police Care Network
Policing and Society
Session Chair: Policy, Partnership and Learning, The 6th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Philadelphia, USA (virtual); March 2021.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Session Chair Conference talk: (Symposium) Dougall N, Heyman I, Murray J, Enang I, Aston L, Wooff A. 'Law Enforcement and Public Health: towards a unified partnership approach in Scotland', International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Edinbur
Conference talk: (Symposium) Dougall N, Heyman I, Murray J, Enang I, Aston L, Wooff A. 'Law Enforcement and Public Health: towards a unified partnership approach in Scotland', International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Toronto, 2018
Conference talk: Murray J, Enang I, Heyman I, Dougall N, Wooff A, Aston E & Grandison G. Defining and assessing vulnerability Perspectives across Law Enforcement and Public Health. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference. M
Conference talk: Murray J, Enang I, Dougall N, Wooff A, Aston E, Heyman I. Defining and Assessing Vulnerability: Perspectives across Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH), Innovation in Public Services and Public Policy (PUBSIC) Conference; Milan, Ital
Dougall N, Heyman I, Kesic D, Thomas S, White C. Emergency Departments and the 'Missing Middle'. The 6th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Philadelphia, USA (virtual); March 2021.
Session Chair: Scottish International Policing Conference 2017: Police Professionalisation and Leadership
Conference program committee :Scottish International Policing Conference: Policing and Public Health: opportunities and challenges
Session Chair Scottish International Policing Conference: Policing and Public Health: opportunities and challenges
Session Co-Chair . Public Health Approaches in Policing & Serious Violence across the UK 4 Nations, UK (Virtual), 8-12 Feb 2021
Major session Chair : Working Across sectors to develop an evidence based approach to policing mental health and distress in Scotland. 4th International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Toronto , Canada October 2018
Session Chair :3rd International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands October 2016
Session Chair :3rd International Law Enforcement & Public Health Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands October 2016
HEYMAN, I. The Intersection between Police, People in Mental Health Distress and Unscheduled Health Care: An Exploratory Case Study. The Fifth Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) and Police Scotland Postgraduate Symposium. Edinburgh: Scottish
HEYMAN I, DOUGALL N, THOMAS S, KERR J. Mental Health and Distress in the Emergency Department. National Summit. In collaboration with The Scottish Government Distress Intervention Group and the Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association (GLEPHA) M