Graphic Narratives of Organized Crime, Gender, and Power in Europe
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2021, December). Graphic Narratives of Organized Crime, Gender, and Power in Europe. Presented at The 24-hour Conference on Organized Crime, Online
Frederik Byrn Køhlert's Outputs (5)
Drawing Chicago: Architecture and Urban Networks in Chris Ware’s Graphic City (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kohlert, F. B. (2021, October). Drawing Chicago: Architecture and Urban Networks in Chris Ware’s Graphic City. Paper presented at Shaking the Foundations: International Comic Arts Conference, McGill University, Canada
Chicago: A Literary History (2021)
Køhlert, F. B. (Ed.). (2021). Chicago: A Literary History. Cambridge University Press. occupies a central position in both the geography and literary history of the United States. From its founding in 1833 through to its modern incarnation, the city has served as both a thoroughfare for the nation's goods and a crossroads for i... Read More about Chicago: A Literary History.
Drawing Chicago: Chris Ware’s Graphic City (2021)
Book Chapter
Køhlert, F. B. (2021). Drawing Chicago: Chris Ware’s Graphic City. In F. B. Køhlert (Ed.), Chicago: A Literary History (370-386). Cambridge University Press.
Introduction: The Literary History of Chicago (2021)
Book Chapter
Køhlert, F. B. (2021). Introduction: The Literary History of Chicago. In F. Byrn Køhlert (Ed.), Chicago: A Literary History (1-14). Cambridge University Press. chapter outlines the literary history of Chicago from the city’s inception to the present day. Guided by the idea of Chicago as the crossroads of modern America, the chapter argues that the city occupies a distinctive place in American literatur... Read More about Introduction: The Literary History of Chicago.