Dr Mehmet Umutlu
Biography | Dr. Mehmet Umutlu is an Associate Professor in Finance at the Business School of Edinburgh Napier University (ENU). He is also the Deputy Research Lead and Research Degree Committee Representative of the Accounting and Finance subject group. Before joining ENU, he worked as a Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor in Finance at Yasar University in Turkiye, where he also served as the head of the Department of International Trade and Finance for nine years. He was a Lecturer and Postdoctoral Associate at Lancaster University in the UK. He visited Tilburg University in the Netherlands as a Postdoctoral Fellow. He took on a role at Cankaya University in Turkiye as an Assistant Professor. He has taught in Singapore and France as a lecturer or a visiting lecturer in the past. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK. Dr. Umutlu earned his PhD degree at Bilkent University in the track of Finance (AACSB accredited); completed the MBA programme at Hacettepe University; and received a BSc degree in Civil Engineering at Middle East Technical University (ABET accredited). His main research interests fall in the areas of asset pricing, investments, portfolio management, and financial economics. He published several articles in scientific journals, most of which are listed in the CABS journal list and/or indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus. His papers appeared in journals including but not limited to the Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Empirical Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Research in International Business and Finance, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Finance Research Letters, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Journal of Derivatives, Investment Analysts Journal, World Economy, Applied Economics, Journal of Asset Management, and Economics Letters . So far, he has supervised three PhD dissertations to completion as the director of studies and is currently interested in supervising PhD dissertations in the broad area of investment analysis and portfolio management. Dr. Umutlu served as a reviewer for several international journals and for international and national research projects. He acted as the principal investigator for a project sponsored by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye and as a researcher for another one. He presented and discussed many papers at national and international conferences and also chaired many seminars and conference sessions. For more information about his research studies, please follow the following links: SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=582348 ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mehmet-Umutlu Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KG8uEl0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao |
Research Interests | Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, Asset Pricing, Market Efficiency |
Scopus Author ID | 26535275600 |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |
PhD Topics | Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, Empirical Asset Pricing |