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Dr Steph Valentin's Outputs (4)

Kinematic parameters of sheep walking on a treadmill (2014)
Journal Article
Valentin, S., Essigbeck, A., Wolfram, I., & Licka, T. (2014). Kinematic parameters of sheep walking on a treadmill. Veterinary Journal, 202(3), 657-658.

Ovine locomotion studies are rare, despite their relevance for medical research. The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate habituation and temporospatial parameters during treadmill walking of seven Austrian Mountain sheep. Sheep were naïv... Read More about Kinematic parameters of sheep walking on a treadmill.

Concentric and eccentric muscle activity of erector spinae are not correlated during full range flexion-extension (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Valentin, S., & Licka, T. (2014, July). Concentric and eccentric muscle activity of erector spinae are not correlated during full range flexion-extension. Paper presented at XX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2014), Rome, Italy

AIM: To investigate erector spinae muscle activity in healthy young and mature females relative to trunk movement in forward flexion at stance
METHODS: In ten female participants (young 18-25yrs, n=5; mature 45-60yrs, n=5) left and right erector spi... Read More about Concentric and eccentric muscle activity of erector spinae are not correlated during full range flexion-extension.

Rectus abdominis activity decreases relative to erector spinae with maturity despite similar muscle volumes and lumbar posture at stance (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Valentin, S., Elliott, J., & Licka, T. (2014, July). Rectus abdominis activity decreases relative to erector spinae with maturity despite similar muscle volumes and lumbar posture at stance. Paper presented at XX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK 2014), Rome, Italy

AIM: To compare trunk muscle volume, muscle activity and lumbar spine posture in young and mature participants without low back pain.
METHODS: Twenty-four participants were allocated to a young group (YG: age 18-25yrs, n=12) or mature group (MG: age... Read More about Rectus abdominis activity decreases relative to erector spinae with maturity despite similar muscle volumes and lumbar posture at stance.

Age and side-related morphometric MRI evaluation of trunk muscles in people without back pain (2014)
Journal Article
Valentin, S., Licka, T., & Elliott, J. (2014). Age and side-related morphometric MRI evaluation of trunk muscles in people without back pain. Manual Therapy, 20(1), 90-95.

This study evaluated lumbar spine muscle volume and Muscle Fatty Infiltrate (MFI) across two age groups of healthy adults. Twenty-four participants (young group – YG: age 18–25, n = 12; mature group – MG: age 45–60, n = 12) without low back pain unde... Read More about Age and side-related morphometric MRI evaluation of trunk muscles in people without back pain.