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Maria Cecil's Outputs (2)

Gendered Information Landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cecil, M. (2024, August). Gendered Information Landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships. Presented at Edinburgh Napier Research Degree Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

This presentation outlines current progress on my PhD research on gendered information landscapes and apprenticeships including discussion on relevant literature, methods and methodology and initial findings.

Workplace Mentor Training for Inclusion: Training resources for work-based learning mentors (2024)
Digital Artefact
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., Cecil, M., & Scott, A. (2024). Workplace Mentor Training for Inclusion: Training resources for work-based learning mentors. [Blog]

This is a resource for work-based learning mentors, with a special focus on mentoring for inclusion, featuring Key Elements of Inclusion for Mentors infographic and Intro to Inclusion animation.

It grew out of a collaborative research project betw... Read More about Workplace Mentor Training for Inclusion: Training resources for work-based learning mentors.