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Maria Cecil's Outputs (4)

Gendered Information Landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cecil, M. (2024, August). Gendered Information Landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships. Presented at Edinburgh Napier Research Degree Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

This presentation outlines current progress on my PhD research on gendered information landscapes and apprenticeships including discussion on relevant literature, methods and methodology and initial findings.

Addressing gender imbalance in STEM graduate apprenticeships (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cecil, M., & Taylor Smith, E. (2023, December). Addressing gender imbalance in STEM graduate apprenticeships. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education Conference 2023, Birmingham

There is currently significant gender imbalance within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduate apprenticeship (GA) programmes in Scotland. This is a considerable, ongoing issue for both higher education institutions and the l... Read More about Addressing gender imbalance in STEM graduate apprenticeships.

Gendered information landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cecil, M. (2023, June). Gendered information landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships. Poster presented at Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference, Swansea

This poster outlines a recent research study which examined the information landscapes of young people (age 15 – 24) in Scotland in the context of gender, vocational choice, and career development. The research context is Skills Development Scotland... Read More about Gendered information landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships.