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Prof Lois McKellar's Outputs (43)

Documenting risk: A comparison of policy and information pamphlets for using epidural or water in labour (2015)
Journal Article
Newnham, E. C., McKellar, L. V., & Pincombe, J. I. (2015). Documenting risk: A comparison of policy and information pamphlets for using epidural or water in labour. Women and Birth, 28(3), 221-227.

Approximately 30% of Australian women use epidural analgesia for pain relief in labour, and its use is increasing. While epidural analgesia is considered a safe option from an anaesthetic point of view, its use transfers a labouring woman... Read More about Documenting risk: A comparison of policy and information pamphlets for using epidural or water in labour.

Safe Arrivals: Responding to the Local Context in a Training Program for Birth Attendants in Cambodia (2014)
Journal Article
McKellar, L. V., & Taylor, K. (2014). Safe Arrivals: Responding to the Local Context in a Training Program for Birth Attendants in Cambodia. International Journal of Childbirth, 4(2), 77-85.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that every woman should have a skilled birth attendant (SBA) attend her birth; however, until this ideal is met, traditional birth attendants (TBA) continue to provide care to women, particularly in rura... Read More about Safe Arrivals: Responding to the Local Context in a Training Program for Birth Attendants in Cambodia.

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: Blooming or bloomin’ awful? A review of the literature (2012)
Journal Article
Wood, H., McKellar, L. V., & Lightbody, M. (2013). Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: Blooming or bloomin’ awful? A review of the literature. Women and Birth, 26(2), 100-104.

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) is a normal, commonly experienced affliction of early pregnancy. Despite this, its impact on women's lives is not necessarily minimal. For some women, the implications of NVP are substantial with mul... Read More about Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: Blooming or bloomin’ awful? A review of the literature.