Helping Social Scientists to Collect and Understand Social Media Data
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pan, J., Muggleton, S., & Vargheese, J. P. (2016, October). Helping Social Scientists to Collect and Understand Social Media Data. Paper presented at Human-Like Computing Machine Intelligence Workshop (MI20-HLC), Windsor, UK
Dr Jp Vargheese's Outputs (2)
Persuasive Strategies for Encouraging Social Interaction for Older Adults (2016)
Journal Article
Vargheese, J. P., Sripada, S., Masthoff, J., & Oren, N. (2016). Persuasive Strategies for Encouraging Social Interaction for Older Adults. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 32(3), 190-214. isolation among older adults represents a significant societal challenge in which persuasion offers a potential solution. To develop a persuasive interactive system for this purpose, we conducted a modeling study with carers to discover how p... Read More about Persuasive Strategies for Encouraging Social Interaction for Older Adults.