Exploring the application of ultrasound technology in pressure ulcer prevention – an international multidisciplinary team study
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Moorehead, A., Adams, C., Stinson, M., Porter-Armstrong, A., Gardner, E., Donnelly, J., Deegan, S., Nixon, J., Bader, D., & Lyder, C. Exploring the application of ultrasound technology in pressure ulcer prevention – an international multidisciplinary team study. Presented at European Tissue Repair Society: Joint meeting with the Tissue Viability Unit, St Georges' Bay, Malta
Introduction: High frequency ultrasound (HFUS) can create real-time two-dimensional images of internal structures to examine the first few centimetres depth of sub-dermal soft tissue, thus may have the potential to detect tissue changes in pressure u... Read More about Exploring the application of ultrasound technology in pressure ulcer prevention – an international multidisciplinary team study.