Dr Ashley Morton
Post Nominals | FHEA, PhD, MRes, MSc, MChem |
Biography | Ashley is currently a Lecturer in User Experience Engineering within the School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment. She joined Edinburgh Napier University in August 2021. With an extensive STEM educational background, she holds a Doctorate and MRes in Energy Demand Studies, which she was awarded following a full EPSRC funded scholarship to the London-Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand Studies (joint CDT with Loughborough University and University College London). Prior to this she was awarded a MSc in Energy and MChem in Chemistry with Industrial Experience from Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. Ashley’s teaching experience at ENU includes supervising dissertation students and teaching on a number of User Experience (UX) undergraduate modules. Prior to joining ENU, Ashley was a Lecturer in Energy Demand and Early Career Academic Fellow for Creativity in the Digital Age: Smart Cities at De Montfort University, Leicester. Ashley is a Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media at De Montfort University. Ashley’s research has focused on behaviour change predominantly within the energy and sustainability field. She has been involved in large scale multidisciplinary and international research projects, including a Research Associate post on the EPSRC DEFACTO project and a Research Fellow post on the H2020 eTEACHER project. Her research experience has focused on the social implications and user experience of energy related technologies and the resulting behaviours of end-users’. She has contributed to a number of local authority projects and towards developing effective behaviour change interventions. She has been an invited speaker at the Strategic Energy Planning in Urban Districts: International Good Practices and Future Policy Perspectives Forum 2019, and Sustainable Places 2020, following her work on the H2020 End-user tools to empower and raise awareness of behavioural change towards energy efficiency (eTEACHER) project. |
Research Interests | User Experience, Behaviour Change, Energy, Sustainability, ICT, Smart Cities, Citizen engagement |