2019-2020. Expert Member on Athena SWAN Committee (gender equality), University of Plymouth, UK
Dr Roberto Kulpa's Recognition (65)
Member of the prestigious UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Development Network (Pathway Programme)
2021-ongoing. Member of the DORA Framework for Responsible Metrics Working Group, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
2022-EC Horizon Europe Framework, MSCA-DN Call, Grant Reviewer and Panel Member
2017-2020. Member of the Ethics Committee, University of Plymouth, UK
2023. Invited Facilitator and Session Chair at the Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group (SSQRG) Research Away Days, 17-19/05/2023, Manchester, UK.
2021. “The Crown” - Princess Diana and the Cinderella Dream. An Interview with Dr Roberto Kulpa. In: Zwierciadło Magazine (PL). https://zwierciadlo.pl/kultura/502372,1,the-crown--ksiezna-diana-czyli-sen-o-kopciuszku.read
2022. Commentary for the Irish GCN Magazine, about the RESIST project, and research on 'anti-gender' politics in Europe.
2022. External Project Validation (EC Horizon 2020 Framework)
2024- Deputy Research Degrees Lead
2022. Award of Funding. Friendship for LGBTIQ+ (post-)pandemic social resilience (with Dr Katherine Ludwin) (Strategic Research and Knowledge Exchange Fund). This funding award helped to organize a series of community workshops to explore friendships in
Ongoing. Peer reviewing for international academic journals, incl. (selection) European Journal of Women’s Studies; Feminist Media Studies; Environment and Planning C; Gender, Place and Culture; Sexualities; Geography Compass; Sexuality & Culture; Revue
PhD supervision: J. Read, �Remediation and the professional identity formation�, University of Plymouth.
2018, Discussant at: Transnational Solidarities: Gender and Sexualities Beyond Geopolitics, University of Goteborg, Sweden
ResM supervision: S. Thomas, �Critical epistemological investigation into �post-truth� discourses�. University of Plymouth.
ESRC & AHRC External Expert and Evaluator
EC Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (National Science Council), PL
ESF European Science Foundation (Brussels)
FWO (Flanders Research Foundation, Belgium)