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Dr Masoud Sajjadian's Outputs (34)

High rise buildings in Europe from energy performance perspective (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S. M., Tupenaite, L., Kanapeckiene, L., Naimaviciene, J., Radif, S., & Amado, M. (2019, May). High rise buildings in Europe from energy performance perspective. Presented at 13th international conference: Modern building materials, structures and techniques, Vilnius, Lithuania

The United States is well known for the birthplace of tall buildings in the world since the nineteenth century. The trend continued across all continents and in 1940, Europe developed its first tall building of over 100 meters in Genoa, Italy. Buildi... Read More about High rise buildings in Europe from energy performance perspective.

An Artificial Intelligence Method for Comfort Level Prediction (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S. M., Jafari, M., & Siebers, P.-O. (2018, June). An Artificial Intelligence Method for Comfort Level Prediction. Presented at 10th International Conference in Sustainability on Energy and Buildings (SEB’18), Gold Coast, Australia

With the rapid demand for the energy efficient consumption in buildings, bridging the gap between predicted and measured performance is essential. However, recent studies show that there is a significant mismatch between predicted and actual building... Read More about An Artificial Intelligence Method for Comfort Level Prediction.

Risk identification in the early design stage using thermal simulations—A case study (2018)
Journal Article
Sajjadian, S. M. (2018). Risk identification in the early design stage using thermal simulations—A case study. Sustainability, 10(1), Article 262.

The likely increasing temperature predicted by UK Climate Impacts Program (UKCIP) underlines the risk of overheating and potential increase in cooling loads in most of UK dwellings. This could also increase the possibility of failure in building perf... Read More about Risk identification in the early design stage using thermal simulations—A case study.

Quantifying the Behavior of Modern and Traditional Construction Systems on the Basis of Thermal Comfort (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S., & Sharples, S. (2017, July). Quantifying the Behavior of Modern and Traditional Construction Systems on the Basis of Thermal Comfort. Presented at PLEA 2017, Edinburgh

Thermal comfort is crucial to ascertain the energy consumption in buildings and is a key factor for decision-making in the design of sustainable building envelopes. This paper presents a methodology to assess the performance of construction systems q... Read More about Quantifying the Behavior of Modern and Traditional Construction Systems on the Basis of Thermal Comfort.

Translating Design Details to Construction Details- with Both Eyes Open (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadianm, S. (2017, December). Translating Design Details to Construction Details- with Both Eyes Open. Presented at International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment, London

Sustainable designs will come to nothing if they are lost in construction process. Therefore, the accuracy of design details and the transformation to the construction details is vital to achieve initial design thinking targets. This is driven most i... Read More about Translating Design Details to Construction Details- with Both Eyes Open.

The Pedagogical Impact of Augmented Reality on Architectural Education (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S. M. (2017, September). The Pedagogical Impact of Augmented Reality on Architectural Education. Presented at International Conference on Manufacturing Research

Latest hardware and software development in computer science and software engineering have promoted Augmented Reality (AR) prototypes for a number of architecture and design applications. Recent development in digital fabrication tools and techniques... Read More about The Pedagogical Impact of Augmented Reality on Architectural Education.

Performance evaluation of well-insulated versions of contemporary wall systems—A case study of London for a warmer climate (2017)
Journal Article
Sajjadian, S. M. (2017). Performance evaluation of well-insulated versions of contemporary wall systems—A case study of London for a warmer climate. Buildings, 7(1), Article 6.

Climate change and its consequences are of a great concern and the likely increasing temperature would add more dilemmas for the choice of passive design options. The performance of building envelopes is one of the key determinants of energy use and... Read More about Performance evaluation of well-insulated versions of contemporary wall systems—A case study of London for a warmer climate.

Dynamic modelling of solar storage system: a case study of leisure centre (2016)
Journal Article
Sajjadian, S. M. (2016). Dynamic modelling of solar storage system: a case study of leisure centre. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 5(2), 165-175.

The purpose of this paper is to present the advantages of a solar store system with transpired solar air collector (TSC) in North Wales, UK. The collectors are designed as a proposal to meet the target of the solar air storage and heating pr... Read More about Dynamic modelling of solar storage system: a case study of leisure centre.

Future proofing UK sustainable homes under conditions of climatic uncertainty (2015)
Sajjadian, S. M. Future proofing UK sustainable homes under conditions of climatic uncertainty. (Thesis). University of Liverpool.

Research relating to the potential impacts of climate change on UK housing has increased in recent years. The future performance of dwellings that are currently considered sustainable may change under a changing climate. For example, well insulated,... Read More about Future proofing UK sustainable homes under conditions of climatic uncertainty.

Heating and Cooling Loads in High Performance Construction Systems-Will Climate Change Alter Design Decisions? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S. M., Lewis, J., & Sharples, S. (2015, May). Heating and Cooling Loads in High Performance Construction Systems-Will Climate Change Alter Design Decisions?. Presented at International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Climate change and its consequences are of great concern. Buildings can be affected by climate change in different ways, such as changes in energy needs and thermal comfort. However, the challenge is to quantify and assess the uncertainties involved... Read More about Heating and Cooling Loads in High Performance Construction Systems-Will Climate Change Alter Design Decisions?.

The potential of phase change materials to reduce domestic cooling energy loads for current and future UK climates (2015)
Journal Article
Sajjadian, S. M., Lewis, J., & Sharples, S. (2015). The potential of phase change materials to reduce domestic cooling energy loads for current and future UK climates. Energy and Buildings, 93, 83-89.

Phase change materials (PCM) are known as an effective technology to store larger amounts of thermal energy per unit mass than conventional thermal mass building materials such as concrete and stone. They add thermal stability to lightweight construc... Read More about The potential of phase change materials to reduce domestic cooling energy loads for current and future UK climates.

Interpretation and determination of thermal comfort in climate change context (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S., Lewis, J., & Sharples, S. (2013, April). Interpretation and determination of thermal comfort in climate change context. Presented at IPGRC 2013: International post graduate research conference, Salford, UK

Thermal comfort is a complicatedsubjectand is thus hard to quantify generally and specificallyandthe existing quantification methods are unlikely to be reliable for naturally ventilated houses. The challenge for designers is to produce a com... Read More about Interpretation and determination of thermal comfort in climate change context.

The potential of shading devices to improve comfort in current and future UK housing through integrated simulations with high and low thermal mass construction systems (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S., Lewis, J., & Sharples, S. (2013, October). The potential of shading devices to improve comfort in current and future UK housing through integrated simulations with high and low thermal mass construction systems. Presented at International Conference on Adaptation and Movement (ICAM), Toronto

Abstract not available.

Risk and Uncertainty in Sustainable Building Performance (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajjadian, S. M., Lewis, J., & Sharples, S. Risk and Uncertainty in Sustainable Building Performance. Presented at 4th International Conference in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB´12), Stockholm, Sweden

Decision-making in the design of sustainable building envelopes will mostly consider the trade-off between initial cost and energy savings. However, this leads to an insufficiently holistic approach to the assessment of the sustainable performance of... Read More about Risk and Uncertainty in Sustainable Building Performance.