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Mx Stuart Lawson's Outputs (35)

PASTEUR4OA: Revealing the true costs of Gold OA - towards a public data infrastructure of scholarly publishing costs (2016)
Lämmerhirt, D., Gray, J., Lawson, S., & Moore, S. (2016). PASTEUR4OA: Revealing the true costs of Gold OA - towards a public data infrastructure of scholarly publishing costs

This briefing paper presents the current state of financial opacity in scholarly journal publishing. It describes what information is needed in order to obtain a bigger, more systemic picture of financial flows, and to understand how much money is go... Read More about PASTEUR4OA: Revealing the true costs of Gold OA - towards a public data infrastructure of scholarly publishing costs.

It's time to stand up to greedy academic publishers (2016)
Newspaper / Magazine
Gray, J., & Lawson, S. (2016). It's time to stand up to greedy academic publishers

[Note: the title of this news commentary article was not approved by the authors.]

The UK’s higher education institutions spend more than £180m on journal subscriptions every year. We need to come together and create a better system

APC data for 27 UK higher education institutions in 2015 (v4) (2016)
Lawson, S. (2016). APC data for 27 UK higher education institutions in 2015 (v4). [Data].

This spreadsheet contains details of 4,358 article processing charges (APCs) paid by 27 UK higher education institutions during the first half of 2015. The data is being collected as part of Jisc's APC data collection project to address the Total Cos... Read More about APC data for 27 UK higher education institutions in 2015 (v4).

Open scholarly communications data (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lawson, S. (2016, April). Open scholarly communications data. Presented at UKSG 39th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Bournemouth, UK

The transition to open access is being accompanied by opening up financial data about the scholarly communications system. The costs of both journal subscriptions and open access article processing charges (APCs) – along with the revenues of the publ... Read More about Open scholarly communications data.

Opening the black box of scholarly communication funding: a public data infrastructure for financial flows in academic publishing (2016)
Journal Article
Lawson, S., Gray, J., & Mauri, M. (2016). Opening the black box of scholarly communication funding: a public data infrastructure for financial flows in academic publishing. Open Library of Humanities, 2(1), Article e10.

‘Public access to publicly funded research’ has been one of the rallying calls of the global open access movement. Governments and public institutions around the world have mandated that publications supported by public funding sources should be publ... Read More about Opening the black box of scholarly communication funding: a public data infrastructure for financial flows in academic publishing.

Article processing charges paid by 25 UK universities in 2014 (2015)
Journal Article
Lawson, S. (2015). Article processing charges paid by 25 UK universities in 2014. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 1, Article e.2.

This dataset contains details of 6,943 article processing charges (APCs) paid by 25 higher education institutions in the UK during 2014. The data was collected as part of Jisc Collections’ APC data collection project and has been released with permis... Read More about Article processing charges paid by 25 UK universities in 2014.

Journal subscription costs - FOIs to UK universities (v23) (2015)
Lawson, S., Meghreblian, B., & Brook, M. (2015). Journal subscription costs - FOIs to UK universities (v23). [Data].

This dataset contains the amount of money paid by UK higher education institutions to ten major publishers (Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Sage, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Nature Publishing Group, Royal Society... Read More about Journal subscription costs - FOIs to UK universities (v23).

Journal subscription expenditure of UK higher education institutions (2015)
Journal Article
Lawson, S., & Meghreblian, B. (2015). Journal subscription expenditure of UK higher education institutions. F1000Research, 3,

The academic libraries of higher education institutions (HEIs) pay significant amounts of money each year for access to academic journals. The amounts paid are often not transparent especially when it comes to knowing how much is paid to specific pub... Read More about Journal subscription expenditure of UK higher education institutions.

Financial transparency and the political influence of commercial publishing (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lawson, S. (2015, June). Financial transparency and the political influence of commercial publishing. Paper presented at Radical Open Access Conference, Coventry, UK

This talk was given at the Radical Open Access Conference at Coventry University on 15 June 2015.

Commodification of the information profession: a critique of higher education under neoliberalism (2015)
Journal Article
Lawson, S., Sanders, K., & Smith, L. (2015). Commodification of the information profession: a critique of higher education under neoliberalism. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 3(1),

The structures that govern society’s understanding of information have been reorganised under a neoliberal worldview to allow information to appear and function as a commodity. This has implications for the professional ethics of library and informat... Read More about Commodification of the information profession: a critique of higher education under neoliberalism.

‘Total cost of ownership’ of scholarly communication: managing subscription and APC payments together (2015)
Journal Article
Lawson, S. (2015). ‘Total cost of ownership’ of scholarly communication: managing subscription and APC payments together. Learned Publishing, 28(1), 9-13.

Managing subscription journals and open access charges together has created challenges which may in part be dealt with by offsetting the two revenue streams against each other. In order to do this, it is necessary to have reliable financial data abou... Read More about ‘Total cost of ownership’ of scholarly communication: managing subscription and APC payments together.

Untangling academic publishing: a history of the relationship between commercial interests, academic prestige and the circulation of research
Preprint / Working Paper
Fyfe, A., Coate, K., Curry, S., Lawson, S., Moxham, N., & Rostvik, C. M. Untangling academic publishing: a history of the relationship between commercial interests, academic prestige and the circulation of research

This briefing paper aims to provide a historical perspective that can inform the debates about what the future of academic publishing should look like. We argue that current policy regarding open access publishing, and many of the other proposals for... Read More about Untangling academic publishing: a history of the relationship between commercial interests, academic prestige and the circulation of research.