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Dr Eamonn O'Neill's Outputs (2)

Why investigative journalism is relevant in the digital era (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O'Neill, E. (2008, June). Why investigative journalism is relevant in the digital era. Paper presented at Investigative Journalism Goes Global, London

In an era of rapidly shifting platforms for the media, this paper analysed the current state of play and argued that investigative journalism was as relevant, perhaps even more so, than ever before.

The links between good journalism and the exposing of miscarriages of justice (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O'Neill, E. (2008, April). The links between good journalism and the exposing of miscarriages of justice. Paper presented at Miscarriages of Justice Organisation Conference 2008, Glasgow

This paper examined the dynamic links between a century of investigative journalism (in all forms) and successful appeals against miscarriages of justice in the UK.