Dr Christine Band
Biography | Dr Christine Band is a lecturer in marketing and includes areas such as basic foundation marketing as well as international marketing and social marketing. The up and coming area of social marketing is about social concepts within society with a view to behaviour change, not only for the individual, but the greater good of society. Topics include areas such as binge drinking, obesity, bullying, racism, legal highs, smoking cessation, recycling, and organ donation to name a few. The module includes consumer behaviour theory such as attitudes and social norms, protection-motivation theory, theory of planned behaviour, locus of control, forbidden fruit, behaviour change models as well as planning and communications. Out with these teaching commitments, her research interests include how work environments enhance/constrain organisational creativity (creativity and innovation) within the advertising sector as well as a fascination with the tantalising, creative minds that generate and produce inspirational ideas, products, services and media campaigns. Current Research Activities Work environments that enhance/constrain organisational creativity. Ethnography in organisational research. |
Research Interests | My research interests include how the work environment enhances (+) or constrains (-) organisational creativity (creativity and innovation) within the advertising sector. Areas of expertise related to the research design include research philosophies, organisational ethnography and data collection methods such as participant observation, material artefacts and focused interviews with a focus on thematic analysis and NVivo9 software. |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |
PhD Topics | Branding. Social Marketing. |