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Dr Mabel Victoria's Outputs (57)

The Selfie Project: Learning/Teaching English in an Innovative Way (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2015, July). The Selfie Project: Learning/Teaching English in an Innovative Way. Paper presented at The Languages of Language Learning: 11th Annual Conference of the BAAL Language Learning and Teaching SIG, University of Edinburgh

It is a truism to say that in order to motivate language learners, we need to know what they find interesting and then design lessons that capture or reflect those interests. And yet, there are some things that are so obvious that we fail to notice t... Read More about The Selfie Project: Learning/Teaching English in an Innovative Way.

Using the liminal, off-task spaces of the classroom as a pedagogical tool (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2015, January). Using the liminal, off-task spaces of the classroom as a pedagogical tool. Paper presented at Teaching Fellows Conference, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh

Existing literature on pedagogic practices has yielded many interesting insights on classroom discourse, sometimes called ‘teacher talk’. The centre piece of most of these studies, however, tends to be on the institutionally sanctioned and legitimize... Read More about Using the liminal, off-task spaces of the classroom as a pedagogical tool.

English: its role as the language of comity in an employment programme for Canadian immigrants (2014)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. P. (2017). English: its role as the language of comity in an employment programme for Canadian immigrants. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15(1), 114-134.

This study explores the experiences of a culturally and linguistically diverse group of immigrant adult students as they attended a 12-week employment preparation course for newcomers to Canada. The main aim of the course was to equip the immigrants... Read More about English: its role as the language of comity in an employment programme for Canadian immigrants.

Negotiating communication and building relation across cultures (2013)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2013). Negotiating communication and building relation across cultures. CMU Journal of Science, 17, 19-33

There have been a number of studies that explores how people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds communicate. However, many of these investigations tend to focus on socio-pragmatic failures, communication breakdowns, and the negative c... Read More about Negotiating communication and building relation across cultures.

Teacher talk and managing social relations in Philippine university classrooms (2013)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2013). Teacher talk and managing social relations in Philippine university classrooms. English Language Teacher Education and Development, 15(Winter), Article 5

Language is at the ‘centre of what happens in the classroom’ (Manke, 1997: xvi). Indeed, it can be said that the classroom is a ‘universe of language’ (Bourdieu & Passeron, 1994: 19) where what is taught and learnt is done through spoken or written d... Read More about Teacher talk and managing social relations in Philippine university classrooms.

Turning Miscommunication Events into Opportunities for Developing Interactional Competence (2012)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2012). Turning Miscommunication Events into Opportunities for Developing Interactional Competence. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 38(1), 143-163

Many studies have explored the difficulties faced by foreign language learners when they begin the learning journey from survival to advanced level. Most of these investigations, however, tend to focus on what makes the road to fluency strewn with ob... Read More about Turning Miscommunication Events into Opportunities for Developing Interactional Competence.

A discourse analytic study of power as caring relations in Philippine university classrooms. (2012)
Book Chapter
Victoria, M. (2012). A discourse analytic study of power as caring relations in Philippine university classrooms. In Critical Approaches to Care: Understanding Caring Relations, Identities and Culture. Routledge

Using audio recordings of naturalistic classroom interactions as data, this chapter explores a re-conceptualisation of power as caring relations. The perspective adopted here is derived from Bloome, Power Carter, Christian, Otto and Shuart-Faris (20... Read More about A discourse analytic study of power as caring relations in Philippine university classrooms..

Ethical Dimensions of Shared Ethnicity, Language, and Immigration Experience (2011)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2011). Ethical Dimensions of Shared Ethnicity, Language, and Immigration Experience. TESL Canada Journal, 28, 72-79

In this article I illustrate how some commonalities that I share with my participants―ethnic background, native language, and immigration experience―create unexpected ethical concerns. I explore how these commonalities facilitate the establishment of... Read More about Ethical Dimensions of Shared Ethnicity, Language, and Immigration Experience.

Negotiating Intercultural Border Crossings: How People from Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds Negotiate Communication and Establish Relations (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2010, November). Negotiating Intercultural Border Crossings: How People from Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds Negotiate Communication and Establish Relations. Paper presented at 18th Sociolinguistics Symposium, University of Southampton

There has been a wealth of studies from a variety of disciplines that explore the complex relations between language and culture. However, many of these investigations tend to focus disproportionately on how cultural differences often contribute to m... Read More about Negotiating Intercultural Border Crossings: How People from Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds Negotiate Communication and Establish Relations.

Social Interaction in a Multicultural Group: How People from Different Cultural and Linguistic Background Negotiate Communication and Establish Relations (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2010, March). Social Interaction in a Multicultural Group: How People from Different Cultural and Linguistic Background Negotiate Communication and Establish Relations. Paper presented at EPICS IV - 4th Symposium On Intercultural, Cognitive And Social Pragmatics, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain

There has been a wealth of studies that explore the interplay between culture and communication. However, many of these investigations tend to focus disproportionately on misunderstanding, communication breakdowns and failures. Indeed, it can be argu... Read More about Social Interaction in a Multicultural Group: How People from Different Cultural and Linguistic Background Negotiate Communication and Establish Relations.

Power and politeness: a study of social interaction in business meetings with multicultural participation (2009)
Journal Article
Victoria, M. (2009). Power and politeness: a study of social interaction in business meetings with multicultural participation. ESP Across Cultures, 129-140

In today's increasingly global economy, members of the same work team do not necessarily work in the same country or on the same continent. They speak different mother tongues and belong to different cultural backgrounds. Yet they are faced with the... Read More about Power and politeness: a study of social interaction in business meetings with multicultural participation.

The strategic use of impoliteness to convey caring relations: A Philippine cultural perspective (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2009, June). The strategic use of impoliteness to convey caring relations: A Philippine cultural perspective. Paper presented at Linguistic Impoliteness And Rudeness Conference, Lancaster University

It has been claimed that in some discourse contexts, huge power differential and training philosophy account for the pervasiveness of impoliteness (Culpeper 1996: 359). In this ethnographic-based study of two nursing classrooms in the Philippines, I... Read More about The strategic use of impoliteness to convey caring relations: A Philippine cultural perspective.

How Professors and Students in two Universities in the Philippines Do Power and Politeness in the Classroom (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2008, July). How Professors and Students in two Universities in the Philippines Do Power and Politeness in the Classroom. Paper presented at 4th International Symposium on Politeness “East Meets West”, Budapest

This research investigates how professors and students from two universities in the Philippines linguistically enact power and politeness in the classroom. Professors can be seen to have more power than their students by virtue of their status, age,... Read More about How Professors and Students in two Universities in the Philippines Do Power and Politeness in the Classroom.