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Dr Mabel Victoria's Outputs (7)

Affect and materiality of Graffiti in times of crisis (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2023, December). Affect and materiality of Graffiti in times of crisis. Paper presented at Rethinking intercultural communication beyond verbal language, Nicosia, Cyprus

The impetus for this visual-based presentation comes from serendipitous encounters with certain types of graffiti in Edinburgh during the covid-19 lockdown. As a flâneuse (Elkin, 2016) of Asian heritage, I explore my subjective and embodied (gendere... Read More about Affect and materiality of Graffiti in times of crisis.

Research and Teaching Integration (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2023, October). Research and Teaching Integration. Presented at Learning and Teaching ENssentials, Edinburgh Napier University

Toilet graffiti: What can we learn from the visual languaging in the stalls? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2023, September). Toilet graffiti: What can we learn from the visual languaging in the stalls?. Paper presented at DN29 Visiolinguistics: Panoramas of Languaging and Visuality, Online

Academic research has conceptualised toilet graffiti or latrinalia (Dundes, 1966) as a ‘symbol of a sociological subculture, juvenile delinquency, and regulatory problem’ (Halsey & Young, 2006);as a ‘communal public diary’ (Kurniawan & Anderson, 2008... Read More about Toilet graffiti: What can we learn from the visual languaging in the stalls?.

Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand (2023)
Journal Article
Sangiamchit, C., & Victoria, M. (2023). Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand. Journal of Language and Culture, 42(1), 178-208

YouTube is one of the biggest and most popular global online video sharing and social media platforms. Owing to its multimodal features and rich user generated contents covering hugely diverse themes, it has the power to bring together billions of vi... Read More about Transcultural awareness and multimodality in YouTube videos among international students in higher education, Thailand.

Interculturality-in-Action: Communication Affordances used by International Postgraduate Students at a Thai University (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2023, February). Interculturality-in-Action: Communication Affordances used by International Postgraduate Students at a Thai University. Paper presented at GXUST-ENU 2023 Research Seminar

The current investigation explores interculturality by looking at the communicative practices of a culturally and linguistically diverse group of international and local postgraduate students from China, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand.... Read More about Interculturality-in-Action: Communication Affordances used by International Postgraduate Students at a Thai University.