Kluger, L. (2012): Intraspecific facilitation? The effect of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus on sympatric benthic fauna. MScR University of Bremen, Germany. Principle supervisor.
Prof Karen Diele's Recognition (70)
Member of the British Ecological Society
Member of the Scottish Blue Carbon Forum
Harsanyi, P. (2017) Effects of electromagnetic fields on diversity and functional role of epibiotic bacteria. PhD - team supervision with J. Farkas (Director of Studies, Eotovos Lorand Univerity, Hungary), A. Lyndon & W Sanderson (Heriot-Watt University).
Rodrigues, E. (2019): Optimisation of essential habitat in sustainable fishery management. PhD - Second supervisor with M. Bell (Heriot-Watt University, Director of Studies). NERC DTP Studentship (SUPER). Heriot-Watt University, UK.
Lee, H. (2018): “Unlocking the vaults of biogenic reefs: Blue carbon storage and nutrient burial by bivalve shellfish”. PhD - Second supervisor with W. Sanderson (Heriot-Watt University, Director of Studies); further supervisors I. Davies (Marine Scot
2018 - 2023
Recognition Type Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions Org Units School of Applied Sciences
Executive Committee Member of �5mil NERC Doctoral Training Partnership SUPER (Scottish Universities Partnership for Environmental Research
NERC Grant Panel Member- UK-Latin America Biodiversity call - LATAM
Araujo, A.R.R (2010): Fisheries statistics and commercialisation of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus. PhD -University of Bremen, Germany. First supervisor (de facto).
Simith, D.J.B. (2012): Larval ecology and metamorphosis of the harvested mangrove crab Ucides cordatus. PhD - Federal University of Par�, Brazil. First supervisor (de facto).
Kassuga, A. (2014): Reproductive biology of marine ornamental shrimps in SE Brazil. PhD - second supervisor, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil.
Alberts-Hubatsch, H. (2015): Movement ecology and management of the mud crab Scylla serrata. PhD - University of Bremen, Germany. Team supervision with the Leibniz Center of Tropical Marine Ecology, Germany and Griffith University, Australia.
Schmidt, A.J. (2012): Recruitment and spatial distribution of the harvested mangrove crab Ucides cordatus in mangroves of Caravelas, Bahia, Brazil. PhD - Federal University Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. First supervisor (de facto).
P�lmanns, N. (2014): Effects of macrobenthic exclusion on mangrove ecosystem functions. PhD - University of Bremen, Germany. Team supervision with the Leibniz Center of Tropical Marine Ecology, Germany and the Federal University of Par�, Brazil
Meyer, F. (2015): Combined effects of ocean acidification and elevated nutrient availability on coral reef calcifiers. PhD - University of Bremen, Germany. Team supervision with the Leibniz Center of Tropical Marine Ecology, Germany.
Co-Director of Research, St Abbs Marine Station (25% secondment)
2015 - 2020
Recognition Type Non-executive Directorship Research Areas Biodiversity
Environmental Management/Climate change
Population / Community Ecology / ZoonosisResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Animal and Plant Science Research Group Org Units School of Applied Sciences
Peer reviewer for > 25 scientific journals since 2005. Acta Zoologica; Animal Biology; Aquatic Biology; Behavioural Biology and Sociobiology; Brazilian Journal for Biology; Ecotropica; Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Estuarine Co
Recognition Type Reviewing Research Areas Biodiversity
Environmental Management/Climate change
Population / Community Ecology / ZoonosisResearch Themes Culture and Communities Research Centres/Groups Animal and Plant Science Research Group Org Units School of Applied Sciences
NERC Large Grant Peer Reviewer - Mangrove Ecology
TV Brazil � Mangroves of Southern Bahia TV Brazil - Mangroves of Southern Bahia (contribution at 8�45�� and 22�56��)
BBC Radio 4 - Shared Planet - BBC Radio 4 - Community Protection (contribution at 10�41��)