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Dr Elizabeth Aston's Outputs (17)

“It would really support the wider harm reduction agenda across the board”: A qualitative study of the potential impacts of drug checking service delivery in Scotland (2023)
Journal Article
Falzon, D., Parkes, T., Carver, H., Masterton, W., Wallace, B., Craik, V., Measham, F., Sumnall, H., Gittins, R., Hunter, C., Watson, K., Mooney, J. D., & Aston, E. V. (2023). “It would really support the wider harm reduction agenda across the board”: A qualitative study of the potential impacts of drug checking service delivery in Scotland. PLOS ONE, 18(12), Article e0292812.

Drug checking services (DCS) enable individuals to voluntarily submit a small amount of a substance for analysis, providing information about the content of the substance along with tailored harm reduction support and advice. There is some evidence s... Read More about “It would really support the wider harm reduction agenda across the board”: A qualitative study of the potential impacts of drug checking service delivery in Scotland.

The Possibilities and Pitfalls of the Use of Accountability Technologies in the Governance of Police Stops (2023)
Book Chapter
Van Brakel, R., Aden, H., Aston, E., Murria, S., & Karas, Z. (2023). The Possibilities and Pitfalls of the Use of Accountability Technologies in the Governance of Police Stops. In E. Aston, S. De Kimpe, J. Fazekas, G. Lennon, & M. Rowe (Eds.), Governing Police Stops Across Europe (235-271). Palgrave Macmillan.

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in policing and the governance of policing. Already at the end of the twentieth century, digitalisation was seen as a tool to enhance transparency and accountability in a cost-efficient way. Police... Read More about The Possibilities and Pitfalls of the Use of Accountability Technologies in the Governance of Police Stops.

Police Stops: A Comparative Perspective on Governance (2023)
Book Chapter
Aston, E., Rowe, M., Fazekas, J., Lennon, G., & De Kimpe, S. (2023). Police Stops: A Comparative Perspective on Governance. In E. Aston, S. De Kimpe, J. Fazekas, G. Lennon, & M. Rowe (Eds.), Governing Police Stops Across Europe (1-17). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter introduces the question of governance, as it relates to police officers’ use of their powers to stop members of the public, and mechanisms to ensure these practices are open to challenge, transparent and accountable. We highlight key def... Read More about Police Stops: A Comparative Perspective on Governance.

Conclusion: The Three Levels of Governance of Police Stops (2023)
Book Chapter
Lennon, G., De Kimpe, S., Aston, E., Rowe, M., & Fazekas, J. (2023). Conclusion: The Three Levels of Governance of Police Stops. In E. Aston, S. De Kimpe, J. Fazekas, G. Lennon, & M. Rowe (Eds.), Governing Police Stops Across Europe (273-297). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter draws together the threads from across the book to argue that while the legal, social, political and historical context of policing and systems of governance and reforms to policing are important, ultimately reforms and governance system... Read More about Conclusion: The Three Levels of Governance of Police Stops.

The Role of Data in Enhancing the Governance of Police Stops in Europe (2023)
Book Chapter
Aston, E., Lennon, G., Mouhanna, C., & Connolly, J. (2023). The Role of Data in Enhancing the Governance of Police Stops in Europe. In E. Aston, S. De Kimpe, J. Fazekas, G. Lennon, & M. Rowe (Eds.), Governing Police Stops Across Europe (197-233). Palgrave Macmillan.

In this chapter, we consider some key aspects of data, transparency and accountability of police stops. What practices exist across Europe in relation to the recording of police stops and public availability of data? We explore what is meant by data... Read More about The Role of Data in Enhancing the Governance of Police Stops in Europe.

Governing Police Stops Across Europe (2023)
Aston, E., De Kimpe, S., Fazekas, J., Lennon, G., & Rowe, M. (Eds.). (2023). Governing Police Stops Across Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book takes a critical and comparative approach to the analysis of the governance of police stops across Europe. It draws on an EU COST Action research network on Police Stops which engaged academics and practitioners from 29 countries to better... Read More about Governing Police Stops Across Europe.

'It’s not going to be a one size fits all': a qualitative exploration of the potential utility of three drug checking service models in Scotland (2023)
Journal Article
Carver, H., Falzon, D., Masterton, W., Wallace, B., Aston, E. V., Measham, F., Hunter, C., Sumnall, H., Gittins, R., Raeburn, F., Craik, V., Priyadarshi, S., Rothney, L., Weir, K., & Parkes, T. (2023). 'It’s not going to be a one size fits all': a qualitative exploration of the potential utility of three drug checking service models in Scotland. Harm Reduction Journal, 20(1), Article 94.

Background: Scotland currently has the highest rates of drug-related deaths in Europe, so drug checking services are being explored due to their potential role in reducing these deaths and related harms. Drug checking services allow individuals to su... Read More about 'It’s not going to be a one size fits all': a qualitative exploration of the potential utility of three drug checking service models in Scotland.

Protecting Public Facing Professionals Online (3PO): Privacy policies and protections in routine police management (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Horgan, S., Aston, L., & Wong, Y. N. (2023, September). Protecting Public Facing Professionals Online (3PO): Privacy policies and protections in routine police management. Presented at 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Florence, Italy

This paper explores the ways in which police organizations conceptualize and operationalize their sense of responsibility for officers’ online safety and privacy. Police officers and organizations are increasingly the targets of cyber-attacks and tec... Read More about Protecting Public Facing Professionals Online (3PO): Privacy policies and protections in routine police management.

Policing challenges for proposed drug checking services in Scotland (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aston, E., Falzon, D., Carver, H., Masterton, W., & Parkes, T. (2023, May). Policing challenges for proposed drug checking services in Scotland. Paper presented at The European Conference on Law Enforcement & Public Health (LEPH2023), Umeå, Sweden

There is strong evidence that enforcement-based policing practices in relation to drug possession for personal use can negatively impact upon health outcomes for people who use drugs and reduce engagement with harm reduction services due... Read More about Policing challenges for proposed drug checking services in Scotland.

Conditions, Actions and Purposes (CAP): A Dynamic Model for Community Policing in Europe (2023)
Journal Article
O’Neill, M., van der Giessen, M., Bayerl, P. S., Hail, Y., Aston, E., & Houtsonen, J. (2023). Conditions, Actions and Purposes (CAP): A Dynamic Model for Community Policing in Europe. Policing, 17,

Despite its popularity as a policing method and evidence of its positive affect on communities, community policing has defied attempts to establish a clear definition and replicable form. Often regarded as an Anglo-American policing method in origin,... Read More about Conditions, Actions and Purposes (CAP): A Dynamic Model for Community Policing in Europe.

Independent review – Independent advisory group on new and emerging technologies in policing: final report (2023)
Aston, E. (2023). Independent review – Independent advisory group on new and emerging technologies in policing: final report. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

This report explores a rights based, transparent, evidence-based, legal, ethical and socially responsible approach to adopting emerging technologies in policing, in a manner that upholds public confidence and safety. Alongside the importance of legal... Read More about Independent review – Independent advisory group on new and emerging technologies in policing: final report.