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Prof Gary Hutchison's Outputs (47)

Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation (2007)
Journal Article
Wilson, M. R., Foucaud, L., Barlow, P. G., Hutchison, G. R., Sales, J., Simpson, R. J., & Stone, V. (2007). Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 225(1), 80-89.

Particulate air pollution (PM10) consists of a mixture of components, including nanoparticles and metals. Studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that transition metals can potentiate the ability of nanoparticles to induce lung inflammation and... Read More about Nanoparticle interactions with zinc and iron: Implications for toxicology and inflammation.

Role of Androgens in Fetal Testis Development and Dysgenesis (2007)
Journal Article
Scott, H. M., Hutchison, G. R., Mahood, I. K., Hallmark, N., Welsh, M., De Gendt, K., Verhoeven, G., O’Shaughnessy, P., & Sharpe, R. M. (2007). Role of Androgens in Fetal Testis Development and Dysgenesis. Endocrinology, 148(5), 2027-2036.

This study sought to establish whether reduced androgen levels/action in the fetal rat testis induced by di(n-butyl) phthalate (DBP) contributes to dysgenetic features, namely reduced Sertoli cell number, occurrence of multinucleated gonocytes (MNG),... Read More about Role of Androgens in Fetal Testis Development and Dysgenesis.

Androgen-dependent Sertoli cell proliferation as a target for endocrine disruptors relevant to human male reproductive health (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Scott, H., Hallmark, N., Saunders, P., Verhoeven, G., De Gendt, K., Hutchison, G., & Sharpe, R. Androgen-dependent Sertoli cell proliferation as a target for endocrine disruptors relevant to human male reproductive health. Presented at 8th European Congress of Endocrinology incorporating the British Endocrine Societies, Glasgow, UK

Smoking by women during pregnancy can result in a 30–48% reduction in sperm count and testis size in the exposed offspring in adulthood, probably because of a decrease in the number of Sertoli cells. Until recently Sertoli cell proliferation was thou... Read More about Androgen-dependent Sertoli cell proliferation as a target for endocrine disruptors relevant to human male reproductive health.

The effect of refurbishing a UK steel plant on PM10 metal composition and ability to induce inflammation (2005)
Journal Article
Hutchison, G. R., Brown, D. M., Hibbs, L. R., Heal, M. R., Donaldson, K., Maynard, R. L., Monaghan, M., Nicholl, A., & Stone, V. (2005). The effect of refurbishing a UK steel plant on PM10 metal composition and ability to induce inflammation. Respiratory Research, 6(1), 43.

In the year 2000 Corus closed its steel plant operations in Redcar, NE of England temporarily for refurbishment of its blast furnace. This study investigates the impact of the closure on the chemical composition and biological activity of PM10 collec... Read More about The effect of refurbishing a UK steel plant on PM10 metal composition and ability to induce inflammation.

The influence of particle composition and size on in vitro and in vivo biological models. (2003)
Lightbody, J., Hutchison, G. R., Donaldson, K., & Stone, V. (2003). The influence of particle composition and size on in vitro and in vivo biological models

Particulate air pollution has been consistently linked with an increase in morbidity and mortality due to respiratory complications and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to investigate which components of PM10 are important in driving... Read More about The influence of particle composition and size on in vitro and in vivo biological models..