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Prof Peter Robertson's Recognition (68)

Host and lead organiser of Career Development Institute (CDI) Scotland Student Conference at Edinburgh Napier University.

The well-being outcomes of employment support for job seekers with mental health conditions. Presentation at the British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, Brighton.

Can career guidance make you better? Presentation at the Institute of Career Guidance (ICG) annual conference, Brighton.

Positive psychology: What has it ever done for us? Presentation at joint career guidance research symposium. Paisley: University of the West of Scotland.

Mental health in the transition from youth to adulthood: The contribution of career guidance in promoting well-being. Paper presented at the Joint Career Guidance Research Symposium. Edinburgh Napier University.

21st Century career theory. Online presentation at the Institute of Work Psychology Conference, University of Sheffield.

Connecting career development and mental health globally, and in your practice. Workshop presently jointly with David Redekopp and Michael Huston at online conference: Quariera - Le rendez-vous des professionnels en employ. Quebec, Canada.

Member of the Scotland Team at the International Centre for Career Development in Public Policy (ICCDPP) international symposium at Tromso, Norway.

Host and lead organiser of the online ECADOC PhD Summer School (European Doctoral Programme for Career Guidance and Counselling: June 2021)

Host and lead organiser for the Joint Career Guidance Research Symposium (ENU/UWS/SDS) at Edinburgh Napier University.

Burning down the house: A critique of contemporary career theory. Paper presented at 19th Congress of European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Turin.

Host and lead organiser of Career Development Institute (CDI) Scotland Student Conference at Edinburgh Napier University.

Host and lead organiser of the Career Development Institute (CDI) Scotland Student Conference: Online and open to practitioners.

Chair of the symposium: Application of the Capability Approach to career guidance practice, at the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) Annual Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Job seekers with health conditions - Employment support and well-being. Presentation at 'Power, politics and society' Research showcase, School of Applied Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University.

Employee well-being, mental health and career guidance. Presentation at ESRC seminar: �Stakeholder perspectives: how employers, trades unions and human resource management professionals see the purpose and practice of careers support in work settings.�

Introduction to career counselling: Invited talk to postgraduate psychotherapy/counselling students at Edinburgh University

Introduction to the Scottish labour market and career services. Invited talk to a delegation of senior Swedish guidance professionals (repeated).

Underpinning concepts for Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG). Invited talk for widening participation practitioners at Edinburgh University.

Recent developments in career theory. Invited talk for the Association of Graduate Career Advisory Services (AGCAS) Scottish network meeting