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Dr Kenneth Leitch's Outputs (2)

Developing Strategic Partnerships through a Sustainability Enrichment Week (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hitt, S. J., Hairstans, R., Leitch, K., & Connell-Skinner, K. (2022, September). Developing Strategic Partnerships through a Sustainability Enrichment Week. Presented at SEFI Annual Conference, Barcelona

This paper describes the development of a mini-module focused on sustainability and timber engineering as a component of a strategic partnership designed to broaden Transnational Education, increase staff/student mobility, and further develop industr... Read More about Developing Strategic Partnerships through a Sustainability Enrichment Week.

Civil Engineering Graduate Apprenticeships: A feasibility study into development of an MSc programme based on review of current undergraduate provision (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Leitch, K., Bernal-Sanchez, J., & Macfarlane, R. (2022, September). Civil Engineering Graduate Apprenticeships: A feasibility study into development of an MSc programme based on review of current undergraduate provision. Presented at 8th International Symposium for Engineering Education, Glasgow

This paper details the findings of a study undertaken at Edinburgh Napier University to assess the feasibility of developing an existing Graduate Apprentice programme in Civil Engineering to a MSc level. Using a mixed methods approach, data from a se... Read More about Civil Engineering Graduate Apprenticeships: A feasibility study into development of an MSc programme based on review of current undergraduate provision.