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Prof Johnson Zhang's Outputs (69)

A finite-difference formulation of elastic rod for the design of actively bent structures (2016)
Journal Article
D’Amico, B., Zhang, H., & Kermani, A. (2016). A finite-difference formulation of elastic rod for the design of actively bent structures. Engineering Structures, 117, 518-527.

A discrete formulation of elastic rod has been tailored for the particular design task of geometric modelling, form finding and analysis of actively bent structural systems. The rod element is fully described by using vector based quantities, hence m... Read More about A finite-difference formulation of elastic rod for the design of actively bent structures.

Timber gridshells: Numerical simulation, design and construction of a full scale structure (2015)
Journal Article
D'Amico, B., Kermani, A., Zhang, H., Pugnale, A., Colabella, S., & Pone, S. (2015). Timber gridshells: Numerical simulation, design and construction of a full scale structure. Structures, 3, 227-235.

Timber gridshell structures, such as the Multihalle for the federal garden festival in Mannheim or the Downland
Museum, have been the result of a creative–generative process that indissolubly ‘welded’ the structural contribution
to that of form exp... Read More about Timber gridshells: Numerical simulation, design and construction of a full scale structure.

Optimization of cross-section of actively bent grid shells with strength and geometric compatibility constraints (2015)
Journal Article
D’Amico, B., Kermani, A., Zhang, H., Shepherd, P., & Williams, C. (2015). Optimization of cross-section of actively bent grid shells with strength and geometric compatibility constraints. Computers and Structures, 154, 163-176.

The use of bending as self forming process allows the realization of shape-resistant systems, such as grid shell structures. Here, a numerical method for optimisation of the cross-section of actively bent structures is introduced. For a given load di... Read More about Optimization of cross-section of actively bent grid shells with strength and geometric compatibility constraints.

Form finding and structural analysis of actively bent timber grid shells (2014)
Journal Article
D’Amico, B., Kermani, A., & Zhang, H. (2014). Form finding and structural analysis of actively bent timber grid shells. Engineering Structures, 81, 195-207.

Grid shells are efficient structural systems covering large open spaces with relatively small amount of materials. Also, post forming techniques allow realization of geometrically complex (free-form) shapes by means of standard connection systems. Ho... Read More about Form finding and structural analysis of actively bent timber grid shells.

A semi-analytical method for plate and grid structures (2008)
Journal Article
Kuang, J. S., & Zhang, H. (2008). A semi-analytical method for plate and grid structures. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics, 161(3), 121-128.

In current design practice, analysis of plate and grid structures in civil engineering, such as waffle slabs, ribbed plates and slab-girder bridges, is based largely on code-specified approximate methods, and deflections of these systems are rarely e... Read More about A semi-analytical method for plate and grid structures.

Eight-node membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom for analysis of in-plane stiffness of thick floor plates (2008)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., & Kuang, J. S. (2008). Eight-node membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom for analysis of in-plane stiffness of thick floor plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 76(13), 2117-2136.

The development of eight-node arbitrary quadrilateral membrane elements with drilling degrees of freedom is presented using the compatible displacement interpolation within the element. The element is considered to develop specifically for analysing... Read More about Eight-node membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom for analysis of in-plane stiffness of thick floor plates.

Timber Plate Dynamics with Space-Time Finite Element (2006)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Hapca, A. I. (2006). Timber Plate Dynamics with Space-Time Finite Element. Timber Engineering,

A new space-time finite element formulation for dynamic analysis of timber plates is presented. The method is based on an unconventional Hamilton variational principle and a special technique in time domain interpolation is employed. For the simple c... Read More about Timber Plate Dynamics with Space-Time Finite Element.

Eight-node Reissner–Mindlin plate element based on boundary interpolation using Timoshenko beam function (2006)
Journal Article
Zhang, H., & Kuang, J. S. (2007). Eight-node Reissner–Mindlin plate element based on boundary interpolation using Timoshenko beam function. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 69(7), 1345-1373.

A new eight-node Reissner-Mindlin plate element is developed with a special interpolation within the element. This special interpolation is an extension of the element boundary interpolation that employs Timoshenko beam function for the boundary segm... Read More about Eight-node Reissner–Mindlin plate element based on boundary interpolation using Timoshenko beam function.

Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space and symplectic algorithm. (2003)
Journal Article
Luo, E., Huang, W., & Zhang, J. (2003). Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space and symplectic algorithm. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 46, 248-258.

By a novel approach proposed by Luo, the unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space for elastodynamics of multidegree-of-freedom system is established in this paper. It not only can fully characterize the initial-value problem... Read More about Unconventional Hamilton-type variational principle in phase space and symplectic algorithm..