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Dr Matthew Dutton's Outputs (9)

Third sector independence in an age of austerity: relations with the state in an age of austerity (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dutton, M. (2017, May). Third sector independence in an age of austerity: relations with the state in an age of austerity. Presented at Border Crossing: Implications for Civil Society in a 'Dis'-United Kingdom

Drawing on qualitative longitudinal research with third sector organisations (TSOs) in Scotland, this paper explores how the independence of TSOs has been affected by changing relationships with local authorities and the Scottish Government in the co... Read More about Third sector independence in an age of austerity: relations with the state in an age of austerity.

Renfrewshire Poverty Commission (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dutton, M. (2014, November). Renfrewshire Poverty Commission. Presented at Renfrewshire Tackling Poverty Commission, Renfrewshire

The Glasgow Living Wage (GLW) was introduced in 2009 and is currently £7.65 an hour. Across Glasgow, 130 employers have committed to paying their employees no less than the GLW. By ensuring that employees receive a salary that provides a socially acc... Read More about Renfrewshire Poverty Commission.

Third Sector Independence: Relations with the State and the Market in an Age of Austerity (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Egdell, V., & Dutton, M. (2014, October). Third Sector Independence: Relations with the State and the Market in an Age of Austerity. Paper presented at The Third Sector, the State and the Market: challenges and opportunities in an era of austerity

In an age of austerity the third sector is facing opportunities and challenges in its relations with the State and the Market as organisations grapple with a changing political, policy and financial climate. Drawing on a four year qualitative longitu... Read More about Third Sector Independence: Relations with the State and the Market in an Age of Austerity.

The Economic Impact of the Glasgow Living Wage. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dutton, M. (2014, September). The Economic Impact of the Glasgow Living Wage. Presented at The changing nature of work and perspectives on in‐work poverty

• A structural analysis of the the Glasgow economy and labour market
focussing on factors relevant to the payment of the Glasgow Living
Wage (GLW).
• A review of living wage research in other parts of the UK.
• An evaluation of the impact of the... Read More about The Economic Impact of the Glasgow Living Wage..

The Economic Impact of the Glasgow Living Wage (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dutton, M., Raeside, R., Mazza, T., & Chen, T. (2014, September). The Economic Impact of the Glasgow Living Wage. Presented at Evaluating the Impact of Research in Society

A structural analysis of the the Glasgow economy and labour market
focussing on factors relevant to the payment of the Glasgow Living
Wage (GLW).
• A review of living wage research in other parts of the UK.
• An evaluation of the impact of the GL... Read More about The Economic Impact of the Glasgow Living Wage.

Independence: is it a myth? (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dutton, M., & Egdell, V. (2014, May). Independence: is it a myth?. Presented at Changing Landscapes for the Third Sector

Inter-agency cooperation and activation in Europe - evidence from three states (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lindsay, C., McQuaid, R., & Dutton, M. (2006, December). Inter-agency cooperation and activation in Europe - evidence from three states. Paper presented at Delni Aspen

New forms of inter-agency co-operation have gained increasing prominence in the development and delivery of activation strategies. This article compares different models
of inter-agency co-operation, drawing on case study research in Denmark, the Ne... Read More about Inter-agency cooperation and activation in Europe - evidence from three states.