Member of Research Advisory Group at Scottish Human Rights Commission.
Prof Jill Stavert's Recognition (92)
Member of South East Scotland Research Ethics Committee 1
Member of National Advisory Committee, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
Member of Executive Committee, representing Edinburgh Napier University, of the Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum (a joint initiative between Scottish university Law Schools)
Board Member, Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance
Member of Scottish Government Mental Health (Scotland) Act 2015 Implementation Steering Group.
Invited speaker, �Deprivation of liberty ECHR and other human rights themes that are/ are not developing post-Scottish Law Commission report�, Law Society of Scotland Mental Health and Incapacity Conference, Glasgow.
Invited speaker, �Decision making in complex cases�, Alzheimer Scotland Conference �Dementia: decision making�, Edinburgh.
Invited speaker, �UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Dementia�, Alzheimer Europe, European Parliament
Invited speaker, �Human Rights of Adults with a Learning Disability; the Right to Family Life�, LSA conference, Glasgow
Invited speaker, �Deprivation of Liberty, National Preventive Mechanism Annual Meeting, Edinburgh
'Support for the exercise of legal capacity in the three jurisdictions of the UK', Three Jurisdictions Project Final Report Launch, Institute of Government, London