Accounting editor, Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting.
Prof Simon Gao's Recognition (81)
PhD: �A comparative study and critical evaluation of group accounting in Germany, France and the United Kingdom�, by H.J. Fortes
External member of validation panel of MSc Finance and Investment (to be offered at INTI International Colleges, Subang & Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), University of Hertfordshire, UK
External member of validation panel of BA (Hons) Accounting and MSc Accounting (to be offered at Rushmore Business School, Mauritius), Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
External examiner for Accounting and Finance modules for undergraduate and postgraduate Provision for Staffordshire University and Partnership with APU/APIIT Malaysia
MAcc: �Capital budgeting in the upstream oil and gas industry�, by A. Johnson
MAcc: �The effects of FRS139 adoption on the performance of non-financial public listed companies in Malaysia� by Ms. G. C. Yee,
20 DBA Projects, Shanghai Jiaotong University and ESC Rennes School of Business, France
15 DBA Projects, Shanghai Jiaotong University and ESC Rennes School of Business, France
10 DBA projects, Shanghai Jiaotong University and ESC Rennes School of Business, France
PhD: �The perception and management of pollution risks in Taiwan�s electric utility�, by M.M.C. Sung
Associate editor, Global Review of Accounting and Finance.
PhD: �The role and capital structures of development banks�, by J. Agholor,
PhD: �An investigation into the willingness of Chinese listed companies to participate in corporate environmental reporting� by Y.Y. Hu
PhD: �Technical efficiency of insurers in China � Evaluation, exploration and policy recommendations�, by Z. Han,
PhD: �Organisational stakeholders and alternative models of social responsibility and reporting�, by D.G. Woodward, University of Southampton
PhD: �Perceptions and effectiveness of the IR function in Greece�, by N. Demos,
PhD: �Internet financial reporting in Saudi Arabia: users� perceptions and disclosure�, by K. Abduallah Al-Motrafi
PhD: �Managing social risks and responsibilities through stakeholder engagement: a case study of Public-Private-Partnership/Private Finance Initiative in the UK�, by F. L. Min,
PhD: �Factors affecting the performance of microfinancing institutions�, by G.N. Nanayakkara,