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Decomposition and settlement in landfilled waste and other soil-like materials (2004)
Journal Article
McDougall, J. R., Pyrah, I. C., Yuen, S. T. S., Monteiro, V. E. D., Melo, M. C., & Jucá, J. F. T. (2004). Decomposition and settlement in landfilled waste and other soil-like materials. Géotechnique, 54(9), 605-609.

The term ‘soil-like materials’ is used to refer to particulate materials that contain organic or other non-inert solids. When these materials decompose, there is a reduction in solid phase volume and an induced change in void phase volume, the combin... Read More about Decomposition and settlement in landfilled waste and other soil-like materials.

Stress-laminated arches: a stronger case for timber bridges (2004)
Journal Article
Freedman, G., & Kermani, A. (2004). Stress-laminated arches: a stronger case for timber bridges. Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering, 157(4), 172-178.

Timber bridges have been around for a long time but are still viewed with suspicion by design engineers and the public alike. Though not as durable or strong as steel and concrete, timber is nevertheless a sustainable material in plentiful supply and... Read More about Stress-laminated arches: a stronger case for timber bridges.

How children and their families construct and negotiate risk, safety and danger. (2004)
Journal Article
Backett-Milburn, K., & Harden, J. (2004). How children and their families construct and negotiate risk, safety and danger. Childhood, 11(4), 429-447.

This article presents an analysis of the family context and everyday negotiations around risk, safety and danger between children and parents in four families drawn from a larger qualitative study. The challenges of analysing accounts from several fa... Read More about How children and their families construct and negotiate risk, safety and danger..

Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation on growth and phenology of stream insects (2004)
Journal Article
Briers, R. A., Gee, J. H. R., & Geoghegan, R. (2004). Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation on growth and phenology of stream insects. Ecography, 27(6), 811-817.

Climatic variation associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) influences terrestrial and marine ecosystems, but its effects on river and stream ecosystems are less well known. The influence of the NAO on the growth of stream insects was exa... Read More about Effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation on growth and phenology of stream insects.

A design tool for predicting the performances of light pipes (2004)
Journal Article
Jenkins, D., Muneer, T., & Kubie, J. (2005). A design tool for predicting the performances of light pipes. Energy and Buildings, 37(5), 485-492.

Light pipes are simple means of directing daylight (diffuse and direct light) into interior spaces. Previous work by the authors described the initial work on a luminous flux and illuminance predictive model for straight light pipes, using a basic eq... Read More about A design tool for predicting the performances of light pipes.

Interferon-γ polymorphisms correlate with duration of survival in pancreatic cancer (2004)
Journal Article
Halma, M., Wheelhouse, N., Barber, M., Powell, J., Fearon, K., & Ross, J. (2004). Interferon-γ polymorphisms correlate with duration of survival in pancreatic cancer. Human Immunology, 65(11), 1405-1408.

Despite progress in diagnosis and staging, pancreatic cancer still has a poor prognosis and it remains difficult to predict duration of survival in advanced pancreatic cancer. Nutritional decline, or cachexia, is a contributory factor to decreased su... Read More about Interferon-γ polymorphisms correlate with duration of survival in pancreatic cancer.

Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: influence of crown structure (2004)
Journal Article
Moore, J. R., & Maguire, D. A. (2005). Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: influence of crown structure. Trees - Structure and Function, 19(4), 363-373.

Natural frequency and damping ratio were measured for nine plantation-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) trees from the Oregon Coast Range under different levels of crown removal. Natural frequency of trees, in both their unpruned... Read More about Natural sway frequencies and damping ratios of trees: influence of crown structure.

Performance of brick aggregate concrete at high temperatures. (2004)
Journal Article
Khalaf, F. M., & DeVenny, A. S. (2004). Performance of brick aggregate concrete at high temperatures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 16(6), 556-565.

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into the effects of high temperatures on the properties of concrete made with crushed clay bricks as the coarse aggregate. Two types of brick of different strength were crushed to coars... Read More about Performance of brick aggregate concrete at high temperatures..

Glycogen synthase kinase-3 is increased in white cells early in Alzheimer's disease (2004)
Journal Article
Hye, A., Kerr, F., Archer, N., Foy, C., Poppe, M., Brown, R., Hamilton, G., Powell, J., Anderton, B., & Lovestone, S. (2004). Glycogen synthase kinase-3 is increased in white cells early in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience Letters, 373(1), 1-4.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a disorder without a molecular marker in peripheral tissues or a disease modifying treatment. As increasing evidence has suggested a role for glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) in the pathogenesis of the condition we measu... Read More about Glycogen synthase kinase-3 is increased in white cells early in Alzheimer's disease.

Assessment of errors induced by the anomalous dispersion of high frequency shear waves in rheometrical measurements on gelling systems (2004)
Journal Article
Jones, R., Ravji, S., Hawkins, K., Al-Hussany, A., Williams, P., & Williams, R. (2004). Assessment of errors induced by the anomalous dispersion of high frequency shear waves in rheometrical measurements on gelling systems. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 124(1-3), 11-24.

The principal objectives of the work reported in this paper were two-fold. Firstly, to assess, by means of the numerical simulation of transverse wave propagation within a linear viscoelastic medium, the degree to which wavegroup propagation involvin... Read More about Assessment of errors induced by the anomalous dispersion of high frequency shear waves in rheometrical measurements on gelling systems.

Helicobacter Pylori in children is strongly associated with poverty (2004)
Journal Article
Malcolm, C., MacKay, W. G., Shepherd, A., & Weaver, L. T. (2004). Helicobacter Pylori in children is strongly associated with poverty. Scottish Medical Journal, 49(4), 136-138.

Background and Aims: To examine the association between prevalence of H. pylori colonisation and social deprivation in a sample of children investigated in hospital. Methods: A retrospective review of the hospital records of all children (n = 626) wh... Read More about Helicobacter Pylori in children is strongly associated with poverty.

Sliding mode position control of a vector-controlled induction machine with nonlinear load dynamics (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Goh, K., Dunnigan, M., & Williams, B. (2004, March). Sliding mode position control of a vector-controlled induction machine with nonlinear load dynamics. Presented at Second IEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

In this paper, a solution to the position control problem for a vector controlled induction machine in the presence of nonlinear load friction, is proposed. A sliding mode (SMC) control system using the equivalent control concept and a switching term... Read More about Sliding mode position control of a vector-controlled induction machine with nonlinear load dynamics.

Anti-inflammatory and proliferative responses in human and ovine ovarian surface epithelial cells (2004)
Journal Article
Gubbay, O., Guo, W., Rae, M. T., Niven, D., Howie, A. F., McNeilly, A. S., Xu, L., & Hillier, S. G. (2004). Anti-inflammatory and proliferative responses in human and ovine ovarian surface epithelial cells. Reproduction, 128, 607-614.

The majority of ovarian cancers (>90%) are believed to derive from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE); a single layer covering the entire surface of the ovary. At ovulation, the OSE cell layer undergoes an inflammatory response, involving cell deat... Read More about Anti-inflammatory and proliferative responses in human and ovine ovarian surface epithelial cells.

Pup escorting in the communal breeding banded mongoose: behavior, benefits and maintenance. (2004)
Journal Article
Gilchrist, J. (2004). Pup escorting in the communal breeding banded mongoose: behavior, benefits and maintenance. Behavioral ecology official journal of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, 15, 952-960.

In cooperatively breeding species, helpers typically provide food to offspring, and distribute food throughout the brood or litter. However, in the communal breeding banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), some group members escort individual pups during the... Read More about Pup escorting in the communal breeding banded mongoose: behavior, benefits and maintenance..

The analgesic effect of odour and music upon dressing change (2004)
Journal Article
Kane, F. M., Brodie, E. E., Coull, A., Coyne, L., Howd, A., Milne, A., Niven, C. C., & Robbins, R. (2004). The analgesic effect of odour and music upon dressing change. British Journal of Nursing, 13(Sup4), S4-S12

Vascular wounds may require frequent dressing changes over a long period of time, often involving pain, which may not be adequately controlled with conventional analgesia. Complementary analgesia may be beneficial as an adjunctive therapy. This pilot... Read More about The analgesic effect of odour and music upon dressing change.