A hero's homecoming: 'Ulysses' in Britain, 1922-'37
Journal Article
McCleery, A. (1999). A hero's homecoming: 'Ulysses' in Britain, 1922-'37. Publishing history, 46, 67-93
All Outputs (9)
In My View: Reading History. (1999)
Journal Article
McCleery, A. (1999). In My View: Reading History. SHARP news, 8, 1-3
Heart of Darkness and Allan Quatermain: Apocalypse and Utopia. (1999)
Journal Article
Dryden, L. (1999). Heart of Darkness and Allan Quatermain: Apocalypse and Utopia. Conradiana, 31, 173-198
Popular Culture, the Media, and the Literary Canon: The Case of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. (1999)
Journal Article
Dryden, L. (1999). Popular Culture, the Media, and the Literary Canon: The Case of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Diegesis: The Journal for Research in Popular Fictions Associations, 54-64
From "Monty Python" to the Literary Canon : towards a context for studying popular culture. (1999)
Journal Article
Dryden, L. (1999). From "Monty Python" to the Literary Canon : towards a context for studying popular culture. International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 2, 135-144
Herein(g) the Sonic Arts Union: an anthology of transformations. (1999)
Journal Article
Atton, C. (1999). Herein(g) the Sonic Arts Union: an anthology of transformations. The Sound Projector, 28-30
Reading and resistance: what are activists reading and why? (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Atton, C. (1999, July). Reading and resistance: what are activists reading and why?. Paper presented at Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing Annual Conference
The alternative press in Britain. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Atton, C. (1999, March). The alternative press in Britain
Marketing small hotels on the World Wide Web (1999)
Journal Article
Morrison, A. M., Taylor, S., Morrison, A. J., & Morrison, A. D. (1999). Marketing small hotels on the World Wide Web. Information Technology and Tourism, 2(2), 97-113Small hotels face an uphill battle, as the larger hotel companies become more dominant in die marketplace. The Internet and World Wide Web may offer the small hotelier a lifeline for business survival. Through a study of a group of small hotels in Sc... Read More about Marketing small hotels on the World Wide Web.