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All Outputs (44)

Keeping children and young people safe online: balancing risk and opportunity. (2013)
Stone, K. (2013). Keeping children and young people safe online: balancing risk and opportunity. Stirling, Scotland: WithScotland, University of Stirling

Increasing access to the internet, at school and
at home, means that children and young people
are spending more time online1. While the internet
provides extensive educational, entertainment and
socialising opportunities for children and young... Read More about Keeping children and young people safe online: balancing risk and opportunity..

Economic inactivity research project (those with family commitments and the long-term sick and disabled) -Literature review. (2013)
McQuaid, R. W., Graham, H., Shapira, M., & Raeside, R. (2013). Economic inactivity research project (those with family commitments and the long-term sick and disabled) -Literature review. Northern Ireland: Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland

This report presents the results of the research project is titled: DEL Economic Inactivity Strategy: Literature Review Project. It was commissioned by the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland and carried out by the Employment Rese... Read More about Economic inactivity research project (those with family commitments and the long-term sick and disabled) -Literature review..

Child care: maximising the economic participation of women. (2013)
McQuaid, R. W., Graham, H., & Shapira, M. (2013). Child care: maximising the economic participation of women. Northern Ireland: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland

An expert paper on the type, extent and delivery of childcare provision necessary to maximise the economic participation of women within Northern Ireland.

NatureScot Commissioned Report 545: Spatial and structural habitat requirements of black grouse in Scottish forests (2013)
White, P., Warren, P., & Baines, D. (2013). NatureScot Commissioned Report 545: Spatial and structural habitat requirements of black grouse in Scottish forests. Inverness: Scottish Natural Heritage

Sympathetic management and placement of forests to provide/protect suitable habitat is a key focus of Scottish black grouse conservation. More information about how the species responds to forests’ spatial and structural variation is requ... Read More about NatureScot Commissioned Report 545: Spatial and structural habitat requirements of black grouse in Scottish forests.