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Accelerating neural network architecture search using multi-GPU high-performance computing (2022)
Journal Article
Lupión, M., Cruz, N. C., Sanjuan, J. F., Paechter, B., & Ortigosa, P. M. (2023). Accelerating neural network architecture search using multi-GPU high-performance computing. Journal of Supercomputing, 79, 7609-7625.

Neural networks stand out from artificial intelligence because they can complete challenging tasks, such as image classification. However, designing a neural network for a particular problem requires experience and tedious trial and error. Automating... Read More about Accelerating neural network architecture search using multi-GPU high-performance computing.

“The Silent Waiting”: Javanese Antiquity and 19th Century Photography in the Dutch East Indies (2022)
Book Chapter
Supartono, A. (2022). “The Silent Waiting”: Javanese Antiquity and 19th Century Photography in the Dutch East Indies. In Living Pictures: Photography in Southeast Asia (307-311). National Gallery of Singapore

In assessing a cropped photograph of a Hindu goddess from the second base relief of the Shiva temple of Parambanan published in De versierende kunsten in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië. Eenige Hindoemonumenten op Midden-Java (the Decorative Arts in the Dutc... Read More about “The Silent Waiting”: Javanese Antiquity and 19th Century Photography in the Dutch East Indies.

Generating real-time detailed ground visualisations from sparse aerial point clouds (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Murray, A., Mitchell, S., Bradley, A., Waite, E., Ross, C., Jamrozy, J., & Mitchell, K. (2022, December). Generating real-time detailed ground visualisations from sparse aerial point clouds. Paper presented at CVMP 2022: The 19th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production, London

We present an informed kind of atomic rendering primitive, which forms a local adjacency aware classified particle basis decoupled from texture and topology. Suited to visual synthesis of detailed landscapes inferred from sparse unevenly distributed... Read More about Generating real-time detailed ground visualisations from sparse aerial point clouds.

The effectiveness of a targeted protein education intervention to increase protein intake in patients with coronary heart disease and low protein intake: A pilot randomised controlled trial (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
James, E., Das, R., Rickleton, E., Cummins, S., Nichols, S., Goodall, S., & O’Doherty, A. F. (2022, October). The effectiveness of a targeted protein education intervention to increase protein intake in patients with coronary heart disease and low protein intake: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Presented at BACPR Annual Conference abstracts, Birmingham Conference and Events Centre

Low protein intake is prevalent in, and detrimental to, patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). We have shown that protein education in UK cardiac rehabilitation (CR) needs improvement. Evidence-based targeted protein education may i... Read More about The effectiveness of a targeted protein education intervention to increase protein intake in patients with coronary heart disease and low protein intake: A pilot randomised controlled trial.

Provision of dietary education in UK-based cardiac rehabilitation: a cross-sectional survey (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
O’Doherty, A. F., James, E., Nichols, S., Goodall, S., & Butler, T. (2022, October). Provision of dietary education in UK-based cardiac rehabilitation: a cross-sectional survey. Presented at BACPR Annual Conference abstracts, Birmingham

The cardioprotective diet is effective in reducing risk of mortality and morbidity in patients with heart disease. Therefore, high-quality dietary education in UK cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is needed. However, little is known about it... Read More about Provision of dietary education in UK-based cardiac rehabilitation: a cross-sectional survey.

Decolonising Deep-Sea Gothic: Perspectives from the Americas (2022)
Journal Article
Champion, G. (2022). Decolonising Deep-Sea Gothic: Perspectives from the Americas. Gothic Studies, 24(3), 275-294.

This article argues that gothic tropes are central to depictions of the ocean across different genres and forms, but there is a colonial and decolonial trend in the use of horror in portrayal of the sea. This article identifies how gothic depictions... Read More about Decolonising Deep-Sea Gothic: Perspectives from the Americas.

Developing Strategic Partnerships through a Sustainability Enrichment Week (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hitt, S. J., Hairstans, R., Leitch, K., & Connell-Skinner, K. (2022, September). Developing Strategic Partnerships through a Sustainability Enrichment Week. Presented at SEFI Annual Conference, Barcelona

This paper describes the development of a mini-module focused on sustainability and timber engineering as a component of a strategic partnership designed to broaden Transnational Education, increase staff/student mobility, and further develop industr... Read More about Developing Strategic Partnerships through a Sustainability Enrichment Week.

The power of schism: Unconventional narrative structure in No Country for Old Men (2022)
Journal Article
Neilan, C. (2022). The power of schism: Unconventional narrative structure in No Country for Old Men. Journal of Screenwriting, 13(3), 313-328.

Whilst screenwriting handbooks have popularized and disseminated practical approaches to writing the screenplay and, to a certain extent, demystified and perhaps even democratized the process of screenplay creation and development, they have also sol... Read More about The power of schism: Unconventional narrative structure in No Country for Old Men.

Investigating the Quality of Knowledge Transfer (2022)
Journal Article
Fascia, M., McIntosh, B., & Koseda, E. (2022). Investigating the Quality of Knowledge Transfer. Action in teacher education, 44(2), 15-26.

Dominant research streams in management conclude that knowledge transfer between managers and associated patient groups is accomplished through compatible instructions and/or socially assembled practices. Underlying these views is the belief that any... Read More about Investigating the Quality of Knowledge Transfer.

Protocols for Understanding the Redox Behavior of Copper-Containing Systems (2022)
Journal Article
Malcomson, T., Repiščák, P., Erhardt, S., & Paterson, M. J. (2022). Protocols for Understanding the Redox Behavior of Copper-Containing Systems. ACS Omega, 7(49), 45057-45066.

Suitability of single-reference density functional theory (DFT) methods for the calculation of redox potentials of copper-containing macrocycle complexes was confirmed by the use of T 1 diagnostics along with a verification of negligible spin contami... Read More about Protocols for Understanding the Redox Behavior of Copper-Containing Systems.

Quantum Dynamic Optimization Algorithm for Neural Architecture Search on Image Classification (2022)
Journal Article
Jin, J., Zhang, Q., He, J., & Yu, H. (2022). Quantum Dynamic Optimization Algorithm for Neural Architecture Search on Image Classification. Electronics, 11(23), Article 3969.

Deep neural networks have proven to be effective in solving computer vision and natural language processing problems. To fully leverage its power, manually designed network templates, i.e., Residual Networks, are introduced to deal with various visio... Read More about Quantum Dynamic Optimization Algorithm for Neural Architecture Search on Image Classification.

Emotional wellbeing of student midwives during COVID-19 (2022)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., & Mestdagh, E. (2023). Emotional wellbeing of student midwives during COVID-19. Women and Birth, 36(2), 184-192.

Mental health of students in higher education was affected during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To examine the emotional wellbeing of midwifery students in the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium) during COVID-19.

A cross-secti... Read More about Emotional wellbeing of student midwives during COVID-19.

Arctic Ghosts: Whale Hunting and Haunting in Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'The Captain of the Pole-Star' (2022)
Journal Article
Alder, E. (2022). Arctic Ghosts: Whale Hunting and Haunting in Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'The Captain of the Pole-Star'. Victorian Studies, 65(1), 43-66

Over-hunting in Arctic seas drove bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) nearly to extinction by the end of the nineteenth century. Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Captain of the ‘Pole-Star’” (1883), inspired by his youthful 1880 voyage on the Scottish whalin... Read More about Arctic Ghosts: Whale Hunting and Haunting in Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'The Captain of the Pole-Star'.

TPACK Towards ICT Integration: Does Creativity Have Moderating Effect? (2022)
Journal Article
Khreshna, B., Mintasih, I., Mackenzie, C., & Santika, V. (2022). TPACK Towards ICT Integration: Does Creativity Have Moderating Effect?. International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education, 6(2),

The purpose of this study was to examine an effect of technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) on information and communication technology (ICT) integration in Indonesia with moderated by creativity. The data for this study was taken f... Read More about TPACK Towards ICT Integration: Does Creativity Have Moderating Effect?.

A different way of being (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tabib, M., Humphrey, T., Forbes-McKay, K., Hollins-Martin, C., & MacVicar, S. (2022, November). A different way of being. Presented at 2022 Scotland maternity and midwifery festival, Edinburgh, UK

This presentation gives an overview of the findings from the author's PhD project, which aimed to explore the impact of an antenatal relaxation class on maternal psychological wellbeing and childbirth.

Discursive constructions of professional identity - the myth of the midwife (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McLuckie, C. (2022, November). Discursive constructions of professional identity - the myth of the midwife. Paper presented at Scotland Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2022, Edinburgh, UK

This paper discusses a discourse analysis of regulatory policy which formed part of my doctoral study ‘Powers, passages and passengers: the construction and performance of student midwives’ professional identities’ (Mcluckie, 2021). The title employs... Read More about Discursive constructions of professional identity - the myth of the midwife.

Live Long and May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour: Emblem gestures in sci-fi and their uptake in popular culture (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kruk, J., Gawne, L., & Freestone, P. (2022, November). Live Long and May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favour: Emblem gestures in sci-fi and their uptake in popular culture. Paper presented at Australian Linguistic Society 2022, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

This paper draws attention to the important effect that gesture in science fiction can have on real-world communicative contexts, as well as the benefits and challenges of using corpus approaches in gesture study.