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All Outputs (329)

Europe to the rescue? EU funds and the COVID-19 crisis – who gets what, how and why (2020)
Surubaru, N.-C. (2020). Europe to the rescue? EU funds and the COVID-19 crisis – who gets what, how and why

During the European Council this week all eyes are, again, on the negotiations for the future European Union (EU) budget. Analysts tended to focus mainly on two things. First, the evolution of the sums of money that will be agreed on for the future E... Read More about Europe to the rescue? EU funds and the COVID-19 crisis – who gets what, how and why.

Physical activity for children under 5 years during COVID-19: Play your way and keep moving while at home (2020)
Tomaz, S., Fawkner, S., Niven, A., Hanson, S., Williamson, C., Kelly, P., & Hanson, C. (2020). Physical activity for children under 5 years during COVID-19: Play your way and keep moving while at home.

Tomaz, S., Fawkner, S., Niven, A., Hanson, S., Williamson, C., Kelly, P., & Hanson, C. (2020). Physical activity for children under 5 years during COVID-19: Play your way and keep moving while at home. Read More about Physical activity for children under 5 years during COVID-19: Play your way and keep moving while at home.

The rise of technologically-mediated police contact: the potential consequences of ‘socially-distanced policing' (2020)
Wells, H., Aston, E., O'Neill, M., & Bradford, B. (2020). The rise of technologically-mediated police contact: the potential consequences of ‘socially-distanced policing'.

Wells, H., Aston, E., O'Neill, M., & Bradford, B. (2020). The rise of technologically-mediated police contact: the potential consequences of ‘socially-distanced policing. British Society of Criminology Policing Network Blog. https://bscpolicingnetwor... Read More about The rise of technologically-mediated police contact: the potential consequences of ‘socially-distanced policing'.

Physical activity for children and young people aged 5-18 years during COVID-19. Stay safe; be active. (2020)
Fawkner, S., Niven, A., Hanson, S., Williamson, C., & Hanson, C. (2020). Physical activity for children and young people aged 5-18 years during COVID-19. Stay safe; be active.

Fawkner, S., Niven, A., Hanson, S., Williamson, C., & Hanson, C. (2020). Physical activity for children and young people aged 5-18 years during COVID-19. Stay safe; be active. Read More about Physical activity for children and young people aged 5-18 years during COVID-19. Stay safe; be active..

For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing (2020)
Neubeck, L., McHale, S., Williamson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., Hanson, S., & Hanson, C. (2020). For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing.

Neubeck, L., McHale, S., Williamson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., & Hanson, C. (2020). For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing. Read More about For the ‘at-risk’ or vulnerable COVID-19 group: staying or becoming active during social distancing.

Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19 (2020)
Hanson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., Williamson, C., McHale, S., Hanson, S., & Neubeck, L. (2020). Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19.

Hanson, C., Kelly, P., Pearsons, A., Williamson, C., McHale, S., Hanson, S., & Neubeck, L. (2020). Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19. Read More about Stay calm, be active: simple ways to boost your physical activity during COVID-19.

Scottish Government Consultation Response: Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law (2019)
Barnes Macfarlane, L.-A. (2019). Scottish Government Consultation Response: Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law

Response to the Scottish Government Consultation: Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law.

Response 308224602 by Dr Lesley-Anne Barnes Macfarlane, Edinburgh Napier University (Child and Family Law and Policy Team)... Read More about Scottish Government Consultation Response: Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law.

Why Introduce People to the Raspberry Pi (2019)
Berberich, R. (2019). Why Introduce People to the Raspberry Pi

Learn why I consider the Raspberry Pi one of our best opportunities to invite more people to the open source community.

Great War Dundee: hidden histories (2019)
Donald, I., Kenefick, B., Patrick, D., Sinclair, F., Kenefick, B., Patrick, D., Sinclair, F., Flood, J., Thomson, J., Harris, C., Meikle, L., Howie, C., Whelan, N., Sword, J., Coupland, D., & Jeffrey, A. (2019). Great War Dundee: hidden histories. Dundee

The Great War had a long and lasting impact on the city of Dundee and its people.Great War Dundee - hidden histories presents research that was carried out by volunteers on behalf of the Great War Dundee Partnership to uncover and make these hidden h... Read More about Great War Dundee: hidden histories.

Occupation Matters to Me (2019)
Maclean, F., & Hunter, E. (2019). Occupation Matters to Me

Working together in partnership, our focus has been to capture the meaning and importance of occupation in the lives of people living with dementia. Occupation can be broadly defined as the rich tapestry of everyday activities that we do as individua... Read More about Occupation Matters to Me.