Do pedestrian have Right Of Way in the UK?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saleh, W., & Al Saeed, K. (2012, December). Do pedestrian have Right Of Way in the UK?. Paper presented at Tenth International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)
All Outputs (1039)
Are bus lanes effective and efficient transport policies? (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Al Zaidi, A., & Saleh, W. (2012, December). Are bus lanes effective and efficient transport policies?. Paper presented at Tenth International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)
A framework for sustainable transport development (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Saleh, W., & Kumar, R. (2009, December). A framework for sustainable transport development. Presented at 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour ResearchA framework for sustainable transport development
Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks. (2012)
Book Chapter
Hosseinloo, S. H., Kanturska, U., Fonzone, A., & Bell, M. G. H. (2012). Multi-path multi-criteria routing of hazardous materials in time-dependent networks. In E. Garbolino, M. Tkiouat, N. Yankevich, & D. Lachtar (Eds.), Transport of Dangerous Goods : Methods and Tools for Reducing the Risks of Accidents and Terrorist Attack (151-165). (Garbolino, Emmanuel; Tkiouat, Mohamed; Yankevich, Natalia; Lachtar, Dalanda). BMC.
Third sector internships Scotland: annual report 2010-11 (2012)
Caddell, M. (2012). Third sector internships Scotland: annual report 2010-11. Scotland: The Open University
Employability for Community Development: Case studies from the Open University. (2012)
Caddell, M., & Martin, G. (2012). Employability for Community Development: Case studies from the Open University. Scotland: The Open University
Making internships work for Scotland's students and third sector organisations. Mid-point review of third sector internships Scotland. (2012)
Caddell, M. (2012). Making internships work for Scotland's students and third sector organisations. Mid-point review of third sector internships Scotland. Edinburgh: Third Sector Internships Scotland (TSIS)
Social Networking and Affinity Spaces – The Virtual Atelier (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pengelly, J., & Thompson, P. (2012, December). Social Networking and Affinity Spaces – The Virtual Atelier. Presented at Athens Institute for Education and Research, AthensThis paper examines the impact digital culture, Web 2.0 and Online Networking, an area we might collectively define as e-culture, is having on the practice, modes of collaboration, distribution and consumption within contemporary printmaking. The aut... Read More about Social Networking and Affinity Spaces – The Virtual Atelier.
Engaging with Gen Y at Museums (2012)
Digital Artefact
Leask, A. (2012). Engaging with Gen Y at Museums. [Web content]No abstract available.
Dissertation: An exploratory study of mental health nurses experience and perceptions of user and carer involvement in higher education and its influence on practice. (2012)
McIntosh, G. Dissertation: An exploratory study of mental health nurses experience and perceptions of user and carer involvement in higher education and its influence on practice. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. is currently a growing expectation that Higher Education Institutions providing nurse education should do so in partnership with service users and carers (NES 2008a, NMC 2010). Currently there is little research evidence to indicate that this w... Read More about Dissertation: An exploratory study of mental health nurses experience and perceptions of user and carer involvement in higher education and its influence on practice..
Evaluating a tacit knowledge sharing initiative: a case study (2012)
Journal Article
Gubbins, C., Corrigan, S., Garavan, T. N., O'Connor, C., Leahy, D., Long, D., & Murphy, E. (2012). Evaluating a tacit knowledge sharing initiative: a case study. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(8), 827-847. – This paper aims to present a case study illustrating the issues involved in the tacit knowledge conversion process and to determine whether such conversion delivers value to the organisation in terms of business value and return on investm... Read More about Evaluating a tacit knowledge sharing initiative: a case study.
Attributes of innovative companies in diverse innovation typologies (2012)
Journal Article
Lewrick, M., & Raeside, R. (2012). Attributes of innovative companies in diverse innovation typologies. International journal of entrepreneurship and innovation management, 15(3), 159. subject of the study reported in this paper is the exploration of companies' attributes, which discuss the impact of core companies' characteristics towards innovation in diverse innovation typologies, for both incremental and radical innovations... Read More about Attributes of innovative companies in diverse innovation typologies.
Fundamentals of human resource development. (2012)
McGuire, D., Garavan, T., & Dooley, L. (2012). Fundamentals of human resource development. SAGE Publications. management, psychology, economics, adult education and more, Human Resource Development (HRD) has emerged as one of the most multifaceted areas of business and management in recent years.
The collections’ well renowned editors reflect t... Read More about Fundamentals of human resource development..
Engaging with Generation Y at Museums (2012)
Book Chapter
Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2012). Engaging with Generation Y at Museums. In M. Smith, & G. Richards (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. Routledge. form a significant proportion of the cultural tourism offering in many destinations across the world. They ‘serve the functions of collection, research and exhibition, as well as education and recreation’ (Sheng and Chen 2011: 53) meaning tha... Read More about Engaging with Generation Y at Museums.
Cultural Tourism and the Mobilities Paradigm (2012)
Book Chapter
Hannam, K. (2012). Cultural Tourism and the Mobilities Paradigm. In The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. Routledge. chapter reviews work from what has been termed the ‘new mobilities paradigm’ (Sheller and Urry 2004). The mobilities paradigm arguably allows us to place travel and tourism at the centre of social and cultural life rather than at the margins. Suc... Read More about Cultural Tourism and the Mobilities Paradigm.
Chapter Five - Review: Metal-Based Nanoparticles; Size, Function, and Areas for Advancement in Applied Microbiology (2012)
Book Chapter
Sweet, M. J., Chessher, A., & Singleton, I. (2012). Chapter Five - Review: Metal-Based Nanoparticles; Size, Function, and Areas for Advancement in Applied Microbiology. Advances in Applied Microbiology (113-142). Elsevier. Nanoparticles (NPs) are attracting increased attention in commerce and applied microbiology due to their antimicrobial activity, high electrical conductivity, and optical properties. For example, silver {NPs} have broad spectrum antimicrobia... Read More about Chapter Five - Review: Metal-Based Nanoparticles; Size, Function, and Areas for Advancement in Applied Microbiology.
Events and festivals in Asia and the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region: Opportunities and challenges (2012)
Journal Article
Weber, K., & Ali‐Knight, J. (2012). Events and festivals in Asia and the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region: Opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(1), 4-8. – This editorial aims to provide a brief overview of recent developments in the events industry in general, and in Asia and the MENA region in particular. The discussion forms a prelude for the individual contributions of this special issue.... Read More about Events and festivals in Asia and the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region: Opportunities and challenges.
Creatine-Kinase- and exercise-related muscle damage implications for muscle performance and recovery (2012)
Journal Article
Baird, M. F., Graham, S. M., Baker, J. S., & Bickerstaff, G. F. (2012). Creatine-Kinase- and exercise-related muscle damage implications for muscle performance and recovery. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2012, Article 960363. appearance of creatine kinase (CK) in blood has been generally considered to be an indirect marker of muscle damage, particularly for diagnosis of medical conditions such as myocardial infarction, muscular dystrophy, and cerebral diseases. Howeve... Read More about Creatine-Kinase- and exercise-related muscle damage implications for muscle performance and recovery.
Expression patterns of five polymorphic membrane proteins during the Chlamydia abortus developmental cycle (2012)
Journal Article
Longbottom, D., Wheelhouse, N., Sait, M., Wilson, K., Aitchison, K., McLean, K., & Smith, D. G. E. (2012). Expression patterns of five polymorphic membrane proteins during the Chlamydia abortus developmental cycle. Veterinary Microbiology, 160(3-4), 525-529. has been suggested that polymorphic membrane proteins (Pmps) belonging to the Type V autotransporter protein family play an important role in the pathogenesis of Chlamydia abortus (C. abortus; formerly Chlamydophila abortus) infection. In a previo... Read More about Expression patterns of five polymorphic membrane proteins during the Chlamydia abortus developmental cycle.
Value Chain Management: An Illustration using Variability Mapping and Decision Frontier Analysis. (2012)
Preprint / Working Paper
Pearson, M. Value Chain Management: An Illustration using Variability Mapping and Decision Frontier AnalysisA simple value chain is modeled by a contractor (dual operator) making an agreement with a customer (primal operator) to complete a project in a number of stages monitored within a certain agreed time scale. The customer defines the demand (D) for se... Read More about Value Chain Management: An Illustration using Variability Mapping and Decision Frontier Analysis..