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All Outputs (1039)

Multiculturalism with Chinese characteristics (2012)
Book Chapter
Stanley, P. (2012). Multiculturalism with Chinese characteristics. In L. Hernandez (Ed.), China and the West : encounters with the other in culture, arts, politics and everyday life (73-92). Cambridge Scholars Publishing

No abstract available.

The game is aFoot, Watson: DeepQA systems and the future of HCI (2012)
Book Chapter
Keates, S., & Varker, P. (2012). The game is aFoot, Watson: DeepQA systems and the future of HCI. In M. M. Soares, & F. Rebelo (Eds.), Advances in Usability Evaluation Part II (341-348). CRC Press.

In February 2011, the IBM Watson DeepQA (deep question and answer) system took part in a special challenge, pitting its question and answer capability against former Jeopardy!TM grand champions in a televised match. Watson emerged victorious from the... Read More about The game is aFoot, Watson: DeepQA systems and the future of HCI.

Servitization in laser job shops : interviews with laser job shops and machine providers (2012)
Journal Article
Vasantha, G., Hussain, R., Roy, R., Williams, S., & Lockett, H. (2012). Servitization in laser job shops : interviews with laser job shops and machine providers. The Laser User Magazine, 65,

Manufacturers often outsource laser cutting to laser job shops which will cut components to fairly tight deadlines and budgets. However, the concept of laser cutting as a way to improve manufacturing output is no longer novel; it has now been 'commod... Read More about Servitization in laser job shops : interviews with laser job shops and machine providers.

Influences of Design Tools on Concepts Generation (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vasantha, G. A., Chakrabarti, A., & Corney, J. (2012, September). Influences of Design Tools on Concepts Generation. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2012)

Concept generation plays a vital role in establishing a broader foundation in the design process to create novel products. In globalized, collaborative, designing scenario, unambiguous representation of captured ideas to explicate designer‘s thoughts... Read More about Influences of Design Tools on Concepts Generation.

Building Loyalty in E-Tailing: The Role of Perceived Relationship Investment and Relationship Quality (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rafiq, M., Fulford, H., & Lu, X. (2012, May). Building Loyalty in E-Tailing: The Role of Perceived Relationship Investment and Relationship Quality. Presented at European Marketing Academy Conference, Lisbon, Portugal

This paper examines the role of perceived relationship investment and relationship quality (RQ) in the formation of customer loyalty in internet retailing. RQ is treated as a disaggregated multi-dimensional, rather than a global, construct consisting... Read More about Building Loyalty in E-Tailing: The Role of Perceived Relationship Investment and Relationship Quality.

The Future of Music Festivals: Play, Technology and Glastonbury 2050 (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yeoman, I., Robertson, M., McMahon-Beattie, U., & Musarurwam, N. (2012, June). The Future of Music Festivals: Play, Technology and Glastonbury 2050. Presented at International Conference on Tourism and Events: Opportunities, Impacts and Change

No abstract available.

Is there a pedagogy of e-learning? (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fotheringham, J. (2012, December). Is there a pedagogy of e-learning?. Paper presented at Dundee University InspireEd series

No abstract available.

Empowering students as online educators (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fotheringham, J., & MacDonald, R. (2012, December). Empowering students as online educators. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier Staff Conference

No abstract available.

Peer-to-peer, the full cycle: investigating online peer assessment (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fotheringham, J., & Mowat, E. (2012, October). Peer-to-peer, the full cycle: investigating online peer assessment. Presented at 11th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2012)

The value of peer assessment lies in its potential to offer meaningful and engaging learning experiences to students through their involvement as active participants in marking and feedback (Falchikov, 2005). However, the design and facilitation of p... Read More about Peer-to-peer, the full cycle: investigating online peer assessment.

Double-clicking poverty: the diffusion of ICT in the hotel sector in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Demeke, W. (2012, December). Double-clicking poverty: the diffusion of ICT in the hotel sector in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Paper presented at University of West London, MPhil/PhD Conference Presentation

According to the United Nations Development Program, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a significant impact on the reduction of poverty in developing countries. In addition, a number of studies emphasise the positive developmental im... Read More about Double-clicking poverty: the diffusion of ICT in the hotel sector in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Is anybody there?: an assessment of investigative journalism in the UK's Local Press. (2012)
Book Chapter
O'Neill, E. (2012). Is anybody there?: an assessment of investigative journalism in the UK's Local Press. In What Do We Mean by Local? Grassroots Journalism: Its Death and Rebirth (166-173)

Investigative Journalism as a genre within the UK's local press has always faced challenges and pressures. This chapter assesses where this mode of reporting currently stands in the local sector in 2013 and analyses whether new funding streams need t... Read More about Is anybody there?: an assessment of investigative journalism in the UK's Local Press..

RiLIES2: Final report (2012)
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Irving, C. (2012). RiLIES2: Final report. United Kingdom: Library and Information Science Research Coalition

Research report of the RiLIES2 (Research in librarianship - Impact Evaluation Study) project commissioned by the Library and Information Science Research Coalition to support the use and execution of research by librarians and information scientists

Optimization of a Long Period Grating Distal Probe for Temperature and Refractive Index Measurement (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alwis, L., Sun, T., & Grattan, K. T. (2012, September). Optimization of a Long Period Grating Distal Probe for Temperature and Refractive Index Measurement. Presented at EuroSensors 2012, Krakow, Poland

Long Period Gratings (LPG)-based sensors are widely used due to their higher sensitivity to various measurands. However, a single grating based LPG sensor system has the disadvantage of the probe being used in transmission mode due to the broad bandw... Read More about Optimization of a Long Period Grating Distal Probe for Temperature and Refractive Index Measurement.

‘This was really different!' Alternative perspectives on the student experience of assessment: alienation and engagement (2012)
Book Chapter
Sambell, K. (2012). ‘This was really different!' Alternative perspectives on the student experience of assessment: alienation and engagement. In I. Solomonides, . A. Reid, & P. Petocz (Eds.), Engaging with learning in higher education (185-208). Libri Publishing

This chapter focuses on students' experiences of engagement in the context of assessment. It explores one case study, which formed part of a university-wide attempt to promote Assessment of Learning (AfL), based on strong arguments in the research l... Read More about ‘This was really different!' Alternative perspectives on the student experience of assessment: alienation and engagement.

“Here’s looking at you, kid.’’ From Big Brother to Big Brother: teenagers under surveillance (2012)
Book Chapter
Sambell, K. (2012). “Here’s looking at you, kid.’’ From Big Brother to Big Brother: teenagers under surveillance. In C. Ní Bhroin, & P. Kennon (Eds.), What do we tell the children? : critical essays on children's literature (182-195). Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This chapter discusses the ways in which the young adult author, Melvin Burgess, engages with the theme of surveillance. It will focus on his 2006 novel, Sara's Face, arguing that this novel critically explores dicsourses regarding teenage girls' re... Read More about “Here’s looking at you, kid.’’ From Big Brother to Big Brother: teenagers under surveillance.

Professionalism in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions in Scotland: a report to the Coordinating Council for the NMAHP Contribution to the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland (2012)
Smith, S. (2012). Professionalism in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions in Scotland: a report to the Coordinating Council for the NMAHP Contribution to the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland. Edinburgh: Coordinating Council for the NMAHP; Scottish Government

The report seeks to explore the complex issue of professionalism and is focused primarily, but not exclusively, on the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals workforce in NHSScotland.