YA-DA: YAng-Based DAta Model for Fine-Grained IIoT Air Quality Monitoring
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yigit, Y., Huseynov, K., Ahmadi, H., & Canberk, B. (2022, December). YA-DA: YAng-Based DAta Model for Fine-Grained IIoT Air Quality Monitoring. Presented at 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
With the development of industrialization, air pollution is also steadily on the rise since both industrial and daily activities generate a massive amount of air pollution. Since decreasing air pollution is critical for citizens' health and well-bein... Read More about YA-DA: YAng-Based DAta Model for Fine-Grained IIoT Air Quality Monitoring.