Nutrient characteristics of urban stormwater detention ponds on the Canadian Prairies.
Scott, K. A. Nutrient characteristics of urban stormwater detention ponds on the Canadian Prairies. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.
All Outputs (1003)
The design of a masonry arch motorway bridge validated by scale model tests. (1996)
Ridley-Ellis, D. The design of a masonry arch motorway bridge validated by scale model tests. (Thesis). The University of Nottingham. dissertation
Analysis of electromagnetic wave propogation using 3D finite-difference time-domain methods with parallel processing. (1996)
Buchanan, W. J. Analysis of electromagnetic wave propogation using 3D finite-difference time-domain methods with parallel processing. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. 3D Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method simulates structures in the time-domain using a direct form of Maxwell’s curl equations. This method has the advantage over other simulation methods in that it does not use empirical approximations.... Read More about Analysis of electromagnetic wave propogation using 3D finite-difference time-domain methods with parallel processing..
Daylight illuminance modelling for the United Kingdom and Europe (1995)
Angus, R. C. Daylight illuminance modelling for the United Kingdom and Europe. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis highlights the benefits to occupants and owners of buildings who utilise daylight effectively. Many cases of absence are related to depression or Seasonal Adjustment Disorder(SAD) which results from inadequate exposure to daylight in the... Read More about Daylight illuminance modelling for the United Kingdom and Europe.
Robot Calibration Using Artificial Neural Networks (1995)
Zhong, X. Robot Calibration Using Artificial Neural Networks. (Thesis). Napier University. calibration is an integrated procedure of measurement and data processing to improve and maintain robot positioning accuracy. Existing robot calibration techniques require extensive human intervention and off-line processing, which preclude the... Read More about Robot Calibration Using Artificial Neural Networks.
A study of arithmetic circuits and the effect of utilising Reed-Muller techniques (1995)
Guan, Z. A study of arithmetic circuits and the effect of utilising Reed-Muller techniques. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. algebraic techniques, as an alternative means in logic design, became more attractive recently, because of their compact representations of logic functions and yielding of easily testable circuits. It is claimed by some researchers that R... Read More about A study of arithmetic circuits and the effect of utilising Reed-Muller techniques.
An empirical study of the impact of information technology on corporate financial reporting: a contingency perspective (1995)
Xiao, Z. An empirical study of the impact of information technology on corporate financial reporting: a contingency perspective. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis investigates whether information technology [IT] ameliorates or exacerbates the information asymmetry between management and external users of financial information, and ascertains whether and under what circumstances IT has an impact on... Read More about An empirical study of the impact of information technology on corporate financial reporting: a contingency perspective.
International Reservations Systems - Their Strategic and Operational Implications for the UK Hotel Industry (1995)
Pringle, S. M. International Reservations Systems - Their Strategic and Operational Implications for the UK Hotel Industry. (Thesis). Napier University. and scope of work:
This work presents details of the method and results of an investigation of the role and influence of international reservations systems within the UK hotel industry.
The research comprised three questionnaire surveys of... Read More about International Reservations Systems - Their Strategic and Operational Implications for the UK Hotel Industry.
Local housing submarket structure and regional household housing choice behaviour (1995)
Tu, Y. Local housing submarket structure and regional household housing choice behaviour. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. home ownership in the UK housing market has become mature, economic and econometric analyses of urban and regional owner-occupier housing markets have become a long-standing concern of housing economists. This thesis defines a nested local housing... Read More about Local housing submarket structure and regional household housing choice behaviour.
The roles, responsibilities and activities of personnel specialists in the formulation of business and HRM strategies in the Scottish financial services industry (1995)
Zorn, C. The roles, responsibilities and activities of personnel specialists in the formulation of business and HRM strategies in the Scottish financial services industry. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. research project investigates the roles of Personnel/Human Resource Specialists in the formulation of corporate strategy. It aims at providing a better understanding of the current practice in comparison to "best practice" as prescribed by the l... Read More about The roles, responsibilities and activities of personnel specialists in the formulation of business and HRM strategies in the Scottish financial services industry.
Logic synthesis and optimisation using Reed-Muller expansions (1995)
McKenzie, L. M. Logic synthesis and optimisation using Reed-Muller expansions. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis presents techniques and algorithms which may be employed to represent, generate and optimise particular categories of Exclusive-OR SumOf-Products (ESOP) forms. The work documented herein concentrates on two types of Reed-Muller (RM) expre... Read More about Logic synthesis and optimisation using Reed-Muller expansions.
An investigation into ways of encouraging the development of higher level cognitive skills in undergraduate biology students with reference to the Perry Scheme of Intellectual Development (1994)
Harvey, J. M. An investigation into ways of encouraging the development of higher level cognitive skills in undergraduate biology students with reference to the Perry Scheme of Intellectual Development. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. project initially focused on a group poster presentation exercise which had the development of higher cognitive skills as its aims. A holistic approach was undertaken to the exercise which involved considering the relationship between all aspect... Read More about An investigation into ways of encouraging the development of higher level cognitive skills in undergraduate biology students with reference to the Perry Scheme of Intellectual Development.
Toxoplasma Gondii: An Investigation of Infection in the Immunocompromised Host (1994)
Nicoll, S. J. Toxoplasma Gondii: An Investigation of Infection in the Immunocompromised Host. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. aim of this study was to develop a sensitive and specific method of detecting Toxoplasma gondii in the immunocompromised host which would reduce the need for other tests and would ensure the prompt initiation of the appropriate treatment, the eff... Read More about Toxoplasma Gondii: An Investigation of Infection in the Immunocompromised Host.
Measurement of the electrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies (1994)
Starrs, G. Measurement of the electrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis is a presentation of research into the elecrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies (1-1000 MHz). The physical properties of concrete are examined and found to be profoundly influenced by water both at gauging and at later stages... Read More about Measurement of the electrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies.
Object oriented modelling of complex data with automatic generation of a persistent representation. (1993)
Barclay, P. J. Object oriented modelling of complex data with automatic generation of a persistent representation. (Thesis). for request via EThOS:
Influence of the soft state on the performance of development finance institutions (1992)
Maynard, J. E. Influence of the soft state on the performance of development finance institutions. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. finance institutions put money into capital projects where conventional intermediaries are reluctant to get involved, and/or where there is a political preference for this channel of investment. In the last few decades D.F.l.s have especi... Read More about Influence of the soft state on the performance of development finance institutions.
Computer-enhanced learning in tertiary education (1991)
Mackie, D. M. Computer-enhanced learning in tertiary education. (Thesis). Edinburgh Polytechnic. is widely accepted that mathematics courses for science and engineering undergraduates should aim to develop an enquiring and creative approach to mathematics together with good communication skills. Due to their versatility, computational power a... Read More about Computer-enhanced learning in tertiary education.
A computer-based microworld for the assessment and remediation of sentence processing deficits in aphasia. (1991)
Crerar, M. A. A computer-based microworld for the assessment and remediation of sentence processing deficits in aphasia. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. thesis investigates impairments of written sentence comprehension in 14
aphasic adults. The primary purpose of the research was to apply computer
technology to the process of assessment, with the aim of improving diagnostic
precision and ther... Read More about A computer-based microworld for the assessment and remediation of sentence processing deficits in aphasia..
The effect of acidification on epilithic algae in the Loch Ard catchment. (1991)
Kinross, J. H. The effect of acidification on epilithic algae in the Loch Ard catchment. (Thesis). Napier Polytechnic of Edinburgh. survey of epilithic filamentous algae was carried out at 15 sites on 10 streams with a range of mean pH from 4.37 to 6.67 in the Loch Ard area of the Trossachs, between 1986 and 1988. Monitoring of physical and chemical parameters was carried out i... Read More about The effect of acidification on epilithic algae in the Loch Ard catchment..
An investigation into efficient multiple command order picking in high bay narrow aisle warehouses (1990)
Guenov, M. D. An investigation into efficient multiple command order picking in high bay narrow aisle warehouses. (Thesis). Napier Polytechnic of Edinburgh. the increasing tempo of business, order picking efficiency becomes of increasing importance. The aim of this research is to find ways of increasing order picking efficiency by decreasing travel time of the picking cycle.
Finding the optimal (sh... Read More about An investigation into efficient multiple command order picking in high bay narrow aisle warehouses.