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Expression of pro-inflammatory proteins in the lung epithelial cell line A549, in response to cytokine, and environmental particle exposure. (2003)
Ramage, L. environmental particle exposure. (Thesis). Napier University.

This thesis investigates the effects of various inflammatory stimuli, including cytokines and air pollution particles, on the expression and secretion of various proinflammatory proteins in the lung epithelial cell line A549. The pro-inflammatory pro... Read More about Expression of pro-inflammatory proteins in the lung epithelial cell line A549, in response to cytokine, and environmental particle exposure..

The Investigation and Analysis of Factors that Limit Penetration of Tubulars in Horizontal Oil Wells (2003)
McCourt, I. The Investigation and Analysis of Factors that Limit Penetration of Tubulars in Horizontal Oil Wells. (Thesis). Napier University.

To carry out remedial work in the oil producing wells through the production tubing string, a method using a continuous length of steel tubing or coiled tubing is used, that allows quick access to the well. Coiled tubing can also be used for drilling... Read More about The Investigation and Analysis of Factors that Limit Penetration of Tubulars in Horizontal Oil Wells.

Evolutionary algorithms for synthesis and optimisation of sequential logic circuits. (2003)
Ali, B. Evolutionary algorithms for synthesis and optimisation of sequential logic circuits. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Considerable progress has been made recently 1n the understanding of
combinational logic optimization. Consequently a large number of university
and industrial Electric Computing Aided Design (ECAD) programs are now
available for optimal logic syn... Read More about Evolutionary algorithms for synthesis and optimisation of sequential logic circuits..

Effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions and corporate financial performance in construction (2003)
Delaney, F. T. Effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions and corporate financial performance in construction. (Thesis). Napier University.

In practice, construction firms are in business to achieve profitability. Construction companies operate in a highly competitive business environment characterised by low
profit margins and high failure rates. At times firms will seek to grow in an... Read More about Effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions and corporate financial performance in construction.

Component-based network test tools platform for network design and maintenance (2003)
Golam, H. Component-based network test tools platform for network design and maintenance. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Tools development for testing real time systems rely heavily on frameworks that are capable of delivering the advantages of precise control, the availability of a range of functions and the availability of standardised and reusable components. The ad... Read More about Component-based network test tools platform for network design and maintenance.

Designing and evaluating information spaces: a navigational perspective. (2003)
McCall, R. Designing and evaluating information spaces: a navigational perspective. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Navigation in two and three dimensional electronic environments has become an important usability
issue.Research in to the use of hypertext systems would appear to suggest that people suffer from a
variety of navigational problems in these environm... Read More about Designing and evaluating information spaces: a navigational perspective..

Low Power Design Techniques for Digital Logic Circuits. (2003)
Xia, Y. Low Power Design Techniques for Digital Logic Circuits. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

With the rapid increase in the density and the size of chips and systems, area and power dissipation
become critical concern in Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuit design. Low power
design techniques are essential for today's VLSI industry.... Read More about Low Power Design Techniques for Digital Logic Circuits..

Solving Real-World Routing Problems using Evolutionary Algorithms and Multi-Agent-Systems. (2003)
Urquhart, N. B. Solving Real-World Routing Problems using Evolutionary Algorithms and Multi-Agent-Systems. (Thesis). Napier University.

This thesis investigates the solving of routing problems using Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). Routing problems are known to be hard and may possess complex search spaces. Evolutionary algorithms are potentially powerful tools for finding solutions wi... Read More about Solving Real-World Routing Problems using Evolutionary Algorithms and Multi-Agent-Systems..

Molecular toxicology studies on the quartz hazard. (2003)
Duffin, R. Molecular toxicology studies on the quartz hazard. (Thesis). Napier University.

Silicon makes up almost 28% of the Earth's crust and within that crust, quartz (crystalline silica) is one of the most abundant minerals. Exposure to quartz can occur
in a number of occupations, including the mining and construction industries in wh... Read More about Molecular toxicology studies on the quartz hazard..

The congruence of quality values in higher education. (2002)
Telford, A. R. The congruence of quality values in higher education. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Higher education and more specifically University education is being called to account
more and more. It follows therefore that the Universities must present information on the
quality of service which they provide as perceived by their customers a... Read More about The congruence of quality values in higher education..

Daylighting performance of tubular solar light pipes: measurement, modelling and validation. (2002)
Zhang, X. Daylighting performance of tubular solar light pipes: measurement, modelling and validation. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The innovation of natural daylighting light pipe took place more than twenty years ago. Since then its
daylighting performance has been reported in a number of studies. To date, however, no mathematical
method that includes the effect of straight-r... Read More about Daylighting performance of tubular solar light pipes: measurement, modelling and validation..

Load transfer mechanism in punched metal plate timber connections. (2002)
Abdulrahman, N. A. H. Load transfer mechanism in punched metal plate timber connections. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The load capacity of the punched metal plate timber joints is established,
in general, by empirical means as a result of destructive testing in accordance with relevant national standards. The basis of tests is tensile or compressive loading applied... Read More about Load transfer mechanism in punched metal plate timber connections..

Life cycle assessment of aluminium-clad timber windows. (2002)
Asif, M. Life cycle assessment of aluminium-clad timber windows. (Thesis). Napier University.

Over the last century a temperature rise of 0.6 C m global climate and the affiliated greenhouse effects have inflicted enormous impacts in the form of natural catastrophes, economical losses, health problems and seasonal disorder. If human activitie... Read More about Life cycle assessment of aluminium-clad timber windows..

Palynological contribution to aerobiological studies in South-East Scotland. (2002)
Caulton, E. Palynological contribution to aerobiological studies in South-East Scotland. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Airborne pollens and, more recently, spores, which occur in the rooftop airstream over
Edinburgh have been monitored and the data analysed, since 1988. The thesis
describes the developing organisation, methodologies and resources which underpin
th... Read More about Palynological contribution to aerobiological studies in South-East Scotland..