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All Outputs (3)

Optimizing polypharmacy management in the elderly: a comprehensive European benchmarking survey and the development of an innovative online benchmarking application (2023)
Journal Article
Kardas, P., Mair, A., Stewart, D., & Lewek, P. (2023). Optimizing polypharmacy management in the elderly: a comprehensive European benchmarking survey and the development of an innovative online benchmarking application. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, Article 1254912.

Background: Polypharmacy, defined as the simultaneous use of multiple medications by a patient, is a worldwide problem of rising prevalence. Paving the way for drug interactions, adverse drug reactions and non-adherence, it leads to negative health o... Read More about Optimizing polypharmacy management in the elderly: a comprehensive European benchmarking survey and the development of an innovative online benchmarking application.

Optimizing pharmacotherapy and deprescribing strategies in older adults living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: EuGMS SIG on pharmacology position paper (2023)
Journal Article
van Poelgeest, E., Seppala, L., Bahat, G., Ilhan, B., Mair, A., van Marum, R., …van der Velde, N. (2023). Optimizing pharmacotherapy and deprescribing strategies in older adults living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: EuGMS SIG on pharmacology position paper. European Geriatric Medicine, 14(6), 1195-1209.

Key summary points: Aim: To summarize the literature on medication review and deprescribing in older adults, and formulate recommendations to improve prescribing medications in older, multimorbid adults with polypharmacy. Findings: Current evidence d... Read More about Optimizing pharmacotherapy and deprescribing strategies in older adults living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: EuGMS SIG on pharmacology position paper.

Recommendations for wider adoption of clinical pharmacy in Central and Eastern Europe in order to optimise pharmacotherapy and improve patient outcomes (2023)
Journal Article
Urbańczyk, K., Guntschnig, S., Antoniadis, V., Falamic, S., Kovacevic, T., Kurczewska-Michalak, M., …Kardas, P. (2023). Recommendations for wider adoption of clinical pharmacy in Central and Eastern Europe in order to optimise pharmacotherapy and improve patient outcomes. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, Article 1244151.

Clinical pharmacy as an area of practice, education and research started developing around the 1960s when pharmacists across the globe gradually identified the need to focus more on ensuring the appropriate use of medicines to improve patient outcome... Read More about Recommendations for wider adoption of clinical pharmacy in Central and Eastern Europe in order to optimise pharmacotherapy and improve patient outcomes.