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All Outputs (292)

A critical appraisal of BIM implementation in the context of environment performance enhancement in the construction industry. (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robinson, M. (2017, April). A critical appraisal of BIM implementation in the context of environment performance enhancement in the construction industry. Poster presented at CIBSE Technical Symposium, Loughborough, UK

A mismatch has been observed between predicted energy performance and actual measured consumption, often termed the ‘performance gap’. This is a major concern given the significant contribution of the building sector to global energy use and greenhou... Read More about A critical appraisal of BIM implementation in the context of environment performance enhancement in the construction industry..

A critical appraisal of BIM implementation in the context of environmental performance enhancement (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robinson, M., Currie, J., Brown, A., & Garnier, C. (2017, April). A critical appraisal of BIM implementation in the context of environmental performance enhancement. Paper presented at CIBSE Technical Symposium, Loughborough, UK

A ubiquitous effort to phase the adoption of a fully integrated Building Information Modelling (BIM) approach into the construction industry is gaining pace due to the many reported benefits claimed of working in a holistically digital environment. T... Read More about A critical appraisal of BIM implementation in the context of environmental performance enhancement.

Users' perspectives of fire safety in high rise buildings in Lagos, Nigeria (2017)
Journal Article
Osunsanmi, T., Ajayi, O., & Afolayan, A. S. (2017). Users' perspectives of fire safety in high rise buildings in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Human Settlement and Housing, 1(1), 77-90

High rise buildings all over the world are becoming popular due to their capacity in ensuring optimum use of land, increasing urban density and housing more number of households. Despite the numerous advantages, occupants of high-rise buildings are c... Read More about Users' perspectives of fire safety in high rise buildings in Lagos, Nigeria.

Shale Water Desalination: Multistage Membrane Distillation considering Different Configurations and Heat Integration (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Carrero-Parreño, A., Onishi, V., Ruiz-Femenia, R., Salcedo-Díaz, R., Caballero, J., & Labarta, J. (2017, April). Shale Water Desalination: Multistage Membrane Distillation considering Different Configurations and Heat Integration. Presented at Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology – MEMDES 2017, Gran Canaria, Spain

This work introduces a simultaneous synthesis of membrane distillation systems with heat exchanger networks (HENs) for desalinating shale gas flowback and produce water. The direct contact and vacuum membrane configurations are the best options for d... Read More about Shale Water Desalination: Multistage Membrane Distillation considering Different Configurations and Heat Integration.

Multi-objective synthesis of work and heat exchange networks: Optimal balance between economic and environmental performance (2017)
Journal Article
Onishi, V. C., Ravagnani, M. A., Jiménez, L., & Caballero, J. A. (2017). Multi-objective synthesis of work and heat exchange networks: Optimal balance between economic and environmental performance. Energy Conversion and Management, 140, 192-202.

Sustainable and efficient energy use is crucial for lessening carbon dioxide emissions in industrial plants. This paper introduces a new multi-objective optimization model for the synthesis of work and heat exchange networks (WHENs), aiming to obtain... Read More about Multi-objective synthesis of work and heat exchange networks: Optimal balance between economic and environmental performance.

Evaluation of the End Effect Impact on the Torsion Test for Determining the Shear Modulus of a Timber Beam through a Photogrammetry Approach (2017)
Journal Article
Gharavi, N., Zhang, H., & Xie, Y. (2017). Evaluation of the End Effect Impact on the Torsion Test for Determining the Shear Modulus of a Timber Beam through a Photogrammetry Approach. Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 11(3), 666-669

The timber beam end effect in the torsion test is evaluated using binocular stereo vision system. It is recommended by BS EN 408:2010+A1:2012 to exclude a distance of two to three times of cross-sectional thickness (b) from ends to avoid the end effe... Read More about Evaluation of the End Effect Impact on the Torsion Test for Determining the Shear Modulus of a Timber Beam through a Photogrammetry Approach.

Fife Local Energy Masterplan (2017)
Payne, C., Bell, C., Steen, P., Currie, J., Bros Williamson, J., Stinson, J., & Muschamp, H. (2017). Fife Local Energy Masterplan. Burntisland: Fife Council

The way we generate and use energy has constantly changed. In recent decades it has become the role of the National Grid, gas network, and multinational energy companies to deliver nearly all the energy: heat, electricity and transport fuels. We inte... Read More about Fife Local Energy Masterplan.

On The Intrinsic Flexibility of the Double Skin Façade: A Comparative Thermal Comfort Investigation in Tropical and Temperate Climates (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pomponi, F., Barbosa, S., & Piroozfar, P. A. (2016, September). On The Intrinsic Flexibility of the Double Skin Façade: A Comparative Thermal Comfort Investigation in Tropical and Temperate Climates. Presented at 8th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Turin, Italy

Double Skin Façades (DSFs) are applied in both new and existing buildings, and most of such applications are found in temperate climates. Although research in this area is growing steadily, comparative analyses of DSF applications in different climat... Read More about On The Intrinsic Flexibility of the Double Skin Façade: A Comparative Thermal Comfort Investigation in Tropical and Temperate Climates.

The First Two Decades of Smart-City Research: A Bibliometric Analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Mora, L., Bolici, R., & Deakin, M. (2017). The First Two Decades of Smart-City Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Urban Technology, 24(1), 3-27.

This paper reports on the first two decades of research on smart cities by conducting a bibliometric analysis of the literature published between 1992 and 2012. The analysis shows that smart city research is fragmented and lacks cohesion, and its gro... Read More about The First Two Decades of Smart-City Research: A Bibliometric Analysis.

Project Discrepancies in Roadway Construction and Preservation: A Statistical Analysis of Public–Private Partnership Contract Types in the US (2017)
Journal Article
Nahidi, S., Fountas, G., Sarvani, S. P., Sarwar, M. T., & Anastasopoulos, P. C. (2017). Project Discrepancies in Roadway Construction and Preservation: A Statistical Analysis of Public–Private Partnership Contract Types in the US. Frontiers in Built Environment, 3, Article 15.

At the planning stage of a roadway construction or preservation project, public agencies face a crucial challenge; to adopt and implement the appropriate contractual framework that can minimize the anticipated project discrepancies, on the basis of p... Read More about Project Discrepancies in Roadway Construction and Preservation: A Statistical Analysis of Public–Private Partnership Contract Types in the US.

Profiling causative factors leading to construction project delays in the United Arab Emirates (2017)
Journal Article
Mpofu, B., Ochieng, E. G., Moobela, C., & Pretorius, A. (2017). Profiling causative factors leading to construction project delays in the United Arab Emirates. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(2), 346-376.

A voluminous amount of research has been conducted on project delay in the recent past; however, the persistence of the problem demands that a relentless quest for solutions is upheld. It can be argued that the problem is likely to be more p... Read More about Profiling causative factors leading to construction project delays in the United Arab Emirates.

Conceptual design for solar power driven rotating systems (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Azeem Islam, A., Muhammad-Sukki, F., & Njuguna, J. (2017, March). Conceptual design for solar power driven rotating systems. Presented at Research Presentation, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen

Exploring multi-objective trade-offs in the design space of a waste heat recovery system (2017)
Journal Article
Mokhtar, M., Burns, S., Ross, D., & Hunt, I. (2017). Exploring multi-objective trade-offs in the design space of a waste heat recovery system. Applied Energy, 195, 114-124.

A waste heat recovery system (WHRS) is used to capture waste heat released from an industrial process, and transform the heat into reusable energy. In practice, it can be difficult to identify the optimal form of a WHRS for a particular installation,... Read More about Exploring multi-objective trade-offs in the design space of a waste heat recovery system.

TG1/201703/27rev Derivation of MTG 960 grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/27rev Derivation of MTG 960 grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: Dan Ridley-Ellis

MTG 960

Brookhuis Micro Electronics bv
Institutenweg 15
7521 PH Enschede
The Netherlands

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)
Norway spruce (Picea abies)
(WPCS)... Read More about TG1/201703/27rev Derivation of MTG 960 grading machine settings for British Spruce.

TG1/201703/26rev Derivation of MTG 960 grading machine settings for UK larch (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/26rev Derivation of MTG 960 grading machine settings for UK larch. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: Dan Ridley-Ellis

MTG 960

Brookhuis Micro Electronics bv
Institutenweg 15
7521 PH Enschede
The Netherlands

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

European larch Larix decidua
Hybrid larch Larix x eurolepsis
Japanese larch Larix kaempferi... Read More about TG1/201703/26rev Derivation of MTG 960 grading machine settings for UK larch.

TG1/201703/25rev Derivation of Viscan and Viscan portable without balance grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/25rev Derivation of Viscan and Viscan portable without balance grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: MiCROTEC

Viscan portable WITHOUT balance

Julius Durst Str. 98
IT-39042 Brixen (BZ)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis]
Norway spruce [Pic... Read More about TG1/201703/25rev Derivation of Viscan and Viscan portable without balance grading machine settings for British Spruce.

TG1/201703/24rev Derivation of Viscan Plus grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/24rev Derivation of Viscan Plus grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: MiCROTEC

Viscan Plus

Julius Durst Str. 98
IT-39042 Brixen (BZ)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis]
Norway spruce [Picea abies]

34 mm... Read More about TG1/201703/24rev Derivation of Viscan Plus grading machine settings for British Spruce.

TG1/201703/23rev Derivation of Viscan Compact and Viscan portable with balance grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/23rev Derivation of Viscan Compact and Viscan portable with balance grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: MiCROTEC

Viscan Compact
Viscan portable WITH balance

Julius Durst Str. 98
IT-39042 Brixen (BZ)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis]
Norway spruce... Read More about TG1/201703/23rev Derivation of Viscan Compact and Viscan portable with balance grading machine settings for British Spruce.

TG1/201703/22rev Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/22rev Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: MiCROTEC

Goldeneye 706

Julius Durst Str. 98
IT-39042 Brixen (BZ)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis]
Norway spruce [Picea abies]

34... Read More about TG1/201703/22rev Derivation of Goldeneye 706 grading machine settings for British Spruce.

TG1/201703/21rev Derivation of Goldeneye 702 grading machine settings for British Spruce (2017)
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017). TG1/201703/21rev Derivation of Goldeneye 702 grading machine settings for British Spruce. CEN TC124 WG2 TG1: MiCROTEC

Goldeneye 702

Julius Durst Str. 98
IT-39042 Brixen (BZ)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland

Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis]
Norway spruce [Picea abies]

34... Read More about TG1/201703/21rev Derivation of Goldeneye 702 grading machine settings for British Spruce.