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All Outputs (456)

Transition to Research: Experiencing new paradigms (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tierney, A., & Barkess, G. (2015, June). Transition to Research: Experiencing new paradigms. Paper presented at International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education , Glasgow

The transition from undergraduate study to postgraduate research is a difficult one for students to negotiate. Similarly, the transition from disciplinary researcher to pedagogic researcher is a difficult transition for staff to undertake. There are... Read More about Transition to Research: Experiencing new paradigms.

Flexibility of bunyavirus genomes: creation of an orthobunyavirus with an ambisense S segment (2015)
Journal Article
van Knippenberg, I., & Elliott, R. (2015). Flexibility of bunyavirus genomes: creation of an orthobunyavirus with an ambisense S segment. Journal of Virology, 89(10),

The Bunyamwera (BUNV) orthobunyavirus NSs protein has proven a challenge to study in the context of viral infection. NSs is encoded in a reading frame that overlaps that of the viral nucleocapsid (N) protein thus limiting options for mutagenesis. In... Read More about Flexibility of bunyavirus genomes: creation of an orthobunyavirus with an ambisense S segment.

Plenary presentation and panel (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fotheringham, J. (2015, May). Plenary presentation and panel. Paper presented at Policy and Practice Summit for senior managers and student representatives (QAA Scotland

No abstract available.

Does attending a large science event enthuse young people about science careers? (2015)
Journal Article
Illingworth, S., Lewis, E., & Percival, C. (2015). Does attending a large science event enthuse young people about science careers?. Journal of Science Communication, 14(2),

A survey was conducted during the University of Manchester’s 2014 ‘Science Extravaganza’, which saw the participation of over 900 Key Stage 3 (ages 11–14) students in a range of interactive demonstrations, all run by active University researchers. Th... Read More about Does attending a large science event enthuse young people about science careers?.

Shape of caring recommendations. (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Webster, B. (2015, April). Shape of caring recommendations. Presented at Nursing and Midwifery Council

No abstract available.

Interactive and Interdisciplinary Student Work: A Facilitative Methodology to Encourage Lifelong Learning (2015)
Journal Article
Blake, J., & Illingworth, S. (2015). Interactive and Interdisciplinary Student Work: A Facilitative Methodology to Encourage Lifelong Learning. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17(2), 108-118.

In order to support and facilitate continuous learning and a growth mindset, it is essential that students be exposed to learning opportunities that explicitly allow them to apply and practice what they have learned. (Dweck, 2007)This paper focuses o... Read More about Interactive and Interdisciplinary Student Work: A Facilitative Methodology to Encourage Lifelong Learning.

An Extended, Problem-Based Learning Laboratory Exercise on the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases Suitable for Large Level 1 Undergraduate Biology Classes (2015)
Journal Article
Tatner, M., & Tierney, A. (2016). An Extended, Problem-Based Learning Laboratory Exercise on the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases Suitable for Large Level 1 Undergraduate Biology Classes. Journal of Biological Education, 50(1), 54-60.

The development and evaluation of a two-week laboratory class, based on the diagnosis of human infectious diseases, is described. It can be easily scaled up or down, to suit class sizes from 50 to 600 and completed in a shorter time scale, and to dif... Read More about An Extended, Problem-Based Learning Laboratory Exercise on the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases Suitable for Large Level 1 Undergraduate Biology Classes.

Developing key skills as a science communicator: Case studies of two scientist-led outreach programmes (2015)
Journal Article
Illingworth, S. M., & Roop, H. A. (2015). Developing key skills as a science communicator: Case studies of two scientist-led outreach programmes. Geosciences, 5(1), 2-14.

Outreach by scientific researchers in school classrooms often results in widespread benefit for learners, classroom teachers and researchers. This paper presents a consideration of these benefits using two case studies in the Geography, Earth and Env... Read More about Developing key skills as a science communicator: Case studies of two scientist-led outreach programmes.

Crowdsourcing for climate and atmospheric sciences: Current status and future potential (2015)
Journal Article
Muller, C., Chapman, L., Johnston, S., Kidd, C., Illingworth, S., Foody, G., Overeem, A., & Leigh, R. (2015). Crowdsourcing for climate and atmospheric sciences: Current status and future potential. International Journal of Climatology, 35(11), 3185-3203.

Crowdsourcing is traditionally defined as obtaining data or information by enlisting the services of a (potentially large) number of people. However, due to recent innovations, this definition can now be expanded to include ‘and/or from a range of pu... Read More about Crowdsourcing for climate and atmospheric sciences: Current status and future potential.

Social Media Adoption in Adult Education ‒ Administrators' Experience (2014)
Journal Article
Šliogerienė, J., Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė, G., Fotheringham, J., & Palfreyman, K. J. (2015). Social Media Adoption in Adult Education ‒ Administrators' Experience. Public Policy and Administration, 13(4), 690-703.

The rapid development of social media poses a multitude of considerations on this technology adoption. The emphasis in literature is put mainly on student or teacher perspective and less emphasis is dedicated upon administrators who also represent an... Read More about Social Media Adoption in Adult Education ‒ Administrators' Experience.

The flexible curriculum toolkit. (2014)
Digital Artefact
Caddell, M. (2014). The flexible curriculum toolkit. [Website - Enhancement Themes]

The Flexible Curriculum toolkit web-site is designed to support programme teams to develop and enhance practice in flexible curricula.

The toolkit has used the Viewpoints methodology as a basis. We chose this methodology as we believe it is a prac... Read More about The flexible curriculum toolkit..

Atmospheric composition and thermodynamic retrievals from the ARIES airborne TIR-FTS system--Part 2: Validation and results from aircraft campaigns (2014)
Journal Article
Allen, G., Illingworth, S., O'Shea, S., Newman, S., Vance, A., Bauguitte, S.-B., Marenco, F., Kent, J., Bower, K., Gallagher, M., Muller, J., Percival, C., Harlow, C., Lee, J., & Taylor, J. (2014). Atmospheric composition and thermodynamic retrievals from the ARIES airborne TIR-FTS system--Part 2: Validation and results from aircraft campaigns. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7(12), 4401-4416.

This study validates trace gas and thermodynamic retrievals from nadir infrared spectroscopic measurements recorded by the UK Met Office Airborne Research Interferometer Evaluation System (ARIES) – a thermal infrared, Fourier transform spectrometer (... Read More about Atmospheric composition and thermodynamic retrievals from the ARIES airborne TIR-FTS system--Part 2: Validation and results from aircraft campaigns.

Making internships meaningful: the challenge of encouraging reflection and skills articulation. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Caddell, M. (2014, December). Making internships meaningful: the challenge of encouraging reflection and skills articulation. Presented at SRHE Annual Conference 10-12 December 2014

In recent years considerable emphasis has been placed on embedding employability and skills development in core university curriculum content as well as providing additional support and development to enhance links between learning and work
(SFC 200... Read More about Making internships meaningful: the challenge of encouraging reflection and skills articulation..

Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes and their regional scalability for the European Arctic wetlands during the MAMM project in summer 2012 (2014)
Journal Article
O'Shea, S. J., Allen, G., Gallagher, M. W., Bower, K., Illingworth, S., Muller, J., Jones, B. T., Percival, C., Bauguitte, S., Cain, M., Warwick, N., Quiquet, A., Skiba, U., Drewer, J., Dinsmore, K., Nisbet, E., Lowry, D., Fisher, R., France, J., Aurela, M., …Pyle, J. (2014). Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes and their regional scalability for the European Arctic wetlands during the MAMM project in summer 2012. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(23), 13159-13174.

Airborne and ground-based measurements of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and boundary layer thermodynamics were recorded over the Fennoscandian landscape (67–69.5° N, 20–28° E) in July 2012 as part of the MAMM (Methane and other greenhouse gases... Read More about Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes and their regional scalability for the European Arctic wetlands during the MAMM project in summer 2012.