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Affect and materiality of Graffiti in times of crisis (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M. (2023, December). Affect and materiality of Graffiti in times of crisis. Paper presented at Rethinking intercultural communication beyond verbal language, Nicosia, Cyprus

The impetus for this visual-based presentation comes from serendipitous encounters with certain types of graffiti in Edinburgh during the covid-19 lockdown. As a flâneuse (Elkin, 2016) of Asian heritage, I explore my subjective and embodied (gendere... Read More about Affect and materiality of Graffiti in times of crisis.

It's all about co-creation: peer learning on the Erasmus Mundus programme at the University of Valencia (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rihova, I., Gallarza, M., Andrade, M., Guimaraes, M., Hackmann, A., Kokolaki, O., & Missanelli, G. (2023, November). It's all about co-creation: peer learning on the Erasmus Mundus programme at the University of Valencia. Presented at 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain

The idea of teaching as a dialogue between teachers and students, and collaboration and sharing between students and their peers ([1], [2]), is gaining traction in higher education. This project showcases the use of collaborative learning to integrat... Read More about It's all about co-creation: peer learning on the Erasmus Mundus programme at the University of Valencia.

Switzerland: The proposed Article 5(1) bis of Cartel Act - An unnecessary distraction to weaken a fundamental law (2023)
Journal Article
Canapa, D., & Torti, V. (2023). Switzerland: The proposed Article 5(1) bis of Cartel Act - An unnecessary distraction to weaken a fundamental law. Concurrences Review, 2023(4), 196-204

This contribution discusses the criticism and concerns raised by the proposed modification of Article 5 of the Swiss Federal Act on Cartels and other Restraints of Competition, which prohibits unlawful agreements affecting competition. This reform wa... Read More about Switzerland: The proposed Article 5(1) bis of Cartel Act - An unnecessary distraction to weaken a fundamental law.

The origin story: behind the scenes of food festivals (2023)
Journal Article
Orea-Giner, A., Fusté-Forné, F., & Todd, L. (2024). The origin story: behind the scenes of food festivals. Event Management, 28(4), 585-598.

The relationships between food festivals and food storytelling have been scarcely explored by previous research. Nevertheless, these relationships are a source of memorable experiences, based on the authenticity of food places and stories. Drawing on... Read More about The origin story: behind the scenes of food festivals.

The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. (2023)
Journal Article
O'Neil, J., Heidl, B. H., Bratton, A., Vossler, A., & Moller, N. (2024). The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. New Technology, Work and Employment, 39(2), 238-258.

Drawing on emotional labour theory, this paper explores the barriers to emotionally complex telework, with a specific focus on the space, interface and pace of work. We examine the working lives of mental health counsellors who adapted from in‐person... Read More about The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19..

The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland (2023)
Journal Article
Wagner, P. M., & Lima, V. (2024). The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland. Local Environment, 29(9), 1170-1184.

Public participation in local governance is crucial for effective climate action and for ensuring that policies are designed in a way that respects the rights of communities. Policy developments and choices are shaped by the groups that participate,... Read More about The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland.

Rating to economic profit: Valuation properties, implementation issues, and the justification of target prices (2023)
Journal Article
Ballas, A., Chlomou, G., & Demirakos, E. (2024). Rating to economic profit: Valuation properties, implementation issues, and the justification of target prices. Investment Analysts Journal, 53(2), 142-166.

This study offers a comprehensive theoretical and empirical analysis of a fundamentals-based investment criterion (HSBC’s Rating to Economic Profit – REP). By employing a large sample of US-listed firms over a 12-year time-period and conducting univa... Read More about Rating to economic profit: Valuation properties, implementation issues, and the justification of target prices.

Content Curation: Best Practices and Techniques (2023)
Book Chapter
Cameron, J. (2023). Content Curation: Best Practices and Techniques. In Digital Content Marketing: Creating Value in Practice (140-158). Routledge.

In this chapter you will learn how carefully considered content curation can play a highly effective role in stimulating brand-related engagement, in particular on social media channels. Marketing concepts and theories that shed light on brand-relate... Read More about Content Curation: Best Practices and Techniques.

Content Marketing Ideation: How to Generate and Manage Creative Concepts (2023)
Book Chapter
Cameron, J. (2023). Content Marketing Ideation: How to Generate and Manage Creative Concepts. In Digital Content Marketing: Creating Value in Practice (31-60). Routledge.

This chapter talks about the process of idea generation for content marketing. It discusses how content marketers generate creative ideas and introduces theories and concepts about creative processes. The chapter also provides recommendations on how... Read More about Content Marketing Ideation: How to Generate and Manage Creative Concepts.

Contemporary and Emerging Content Marketing Trends (2023)
Book Chapter
Kurtzke, S. (2023). Contemporary and Emerging Content Marketing Trends. In A. Krowinska, C. Backhaus, B. Becker, & F. Bosser (Eds.), Digital Content Marketing: Creating Value in Practice. Routledge.

As technology is evolving, so is content marketing. This final chapter considers contemporary and emerging content marketing trends. It is difficult to predict exactly how content marketing will develop in years to come, as this will depend on a vari... Read More about Contemporary and Emerging Content Marketing Trends.

Understanding post-pandemic market segmentation through perceived risk, behavioural intention, and emotional wellbeing of consumers (2023)
Journal Article
Sawang, S., Lee, C.-C., Chou, C. Y., Vighnesh, N. V., & Chandrashekar, D. (2023). Understanding post-pandemic market segmentation through perceived risk, behavioural intention, and emotional wellbeing of consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 75, Article 103482.

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered consumer behaviour, leading to varying levels of perceived risk for different products and services. Companies must reassess their market segmentation strategies and adapt them to take effective countermeasures to im... Read More about Understanding post-pandemic market segmentation through perceived risk, behavioural intention, and emotional wellbeing of consumers.

Government venture capital and innovation performance in alternative energy production: The moderating role of environmental regulation and capital market activity (2023)
Journal Article
Du, Q., Li, Z., Du, M., & Yang, T. (2024). Government venture capital and innovation performance in alternative energy production: The moderating role of environmental regulation and capital market activity. Energy Economics, 129, Article 107196.

Energy shortages and environmental concerns have prompted governments to focus on alternative energy production innovation. Although studies examine the association between government venture capital and green innovation, there remains a gap in under... Read More about Government venture capital and innovation performance in alternative energy production: The moderating role of environmental regulation and capital market activity.

Where I want to be now (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
Todd, L. Where I want to be now. [Painting]. Exhibited at Society of Scottish Artists Website. 18 November 2023 - 14 January 2024

Original painting titled: Where I want to be now, themed around Visual Culture of Tourism Research, Society of Scottish Artists, 30 x 30 online exhibition, 2023-2024

Engaging in student evaluations of teaching through intrinsic motivation: an exploratory study of competence, perceived choice, value/usefulness, and relatedness (2023)
Journal Article
Sisson, A. D., & Whalen, E. A. (2024). Engaging in student evaluations of teaching through intrinsic motivation: an exploratory study of competence, perceived choice, value/usefulness, and relatedness. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 24(2), 189-202.

Student evaluations of teaching (SET) elicit feedback to enhance the course, teaching, and learning. However, hospitality and tourism curriculum research lacks an understanding of the dyadic relationship between the instructor and motivation and othe... Read More about Engaging in student evaluations of teaching through intrinsic motivation: an exploratory study of competence, perceived choice, value/usefulness, and relatedness.

Teaching hospitality and tourism students’ strategies for recognizing and supporting mental health conditions and crises in industry: an exploratory study (2023)
Journal Article
Sisson, A. D., Peele, M., & Sisson, Z. (2024). Teaching hospitality and tourism students’ strategies for recognizing and supporting mental health conditions and crises in industry: an exploratory study. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 24(1), 53-70.

By addressing the academic imperative for mental health education and crisis intervention, this exploratory study evaluates the desirability and availability of undergraduate education in recognizing and supporting mental health conditions and crises... Read More about Teaching hospitality and tourism students’ strategies for recognizing and supporting mental health conditions and crises in industry: an exploratory study.

Should the MIFID II be Aspiration or a Mere Inspiration for the EU Regulation of Insurance Distribution? (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Kunertová, T. Should the MIFID II be Aspiration or a Mere Inspiration for the EU Regulation of Insurance Distribution?

Against the background of the specific and heavily regulated area of financial services, the article focuses again on a broader topic, which is the transferability of EU harmonization within individual sub-areas and powers entrusted to the European U... Read More about Should the MIFID II be Aspiration or a Mere Inspiration for the EU Regulation of Insurance Distribution?.

Early Marriage: any need for action? (2023)
Journal Article
Clucas, R. (2023). Early Marriage: any need for action?. The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 68(11),

Better information is needed on whether marriage of those aged under 18 is a cause of harm, before any moves to ban the practice in Scotland

Two original paintings titled Sunbathing and Other places (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
Todd, L. Two original paintings titled Sunbathing and Other places. [Fine Art Painting, Drawing]. Exhibited at Wester Hailes Open Exhibition, WHALE Arts, Edinburgh. 10 November 2023 - 29 November 2023

Two original paintings titled Sunbathing and Other places, and themed around visual culture of tourism research, Exhibited in Wester Hailes Open Exhibition, [Fine Art Painting, Drawing], WHALE Arts, Edinburgh (10th-29th November, 2023).