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Could the broad definition of “State” for the purposes of direct effect be justifiable under the EU’s aim of promoting a fully liberalised internal market? (2024)
Journal Article
Kunertová, T. (2024). Could the broad definition of “State” for the purposes of direct effect be justifiable under the EU’s aim of promoting a fully liberalised internal market?. The Lawyer Quarterly, 14(1), 82-90

In general, in the case of late transposition of the EU directives, they may be invoked vertically against a State only. Therefore, it became relatively early necessary to define the State for the purposes of direct effect. The Court of Justice of th... Read More about Could the broad definition of “State” for the purposes of direct effect be justifiable under the EU’s aim of promoting a fully liberalised internal market?.

The retailer perspective on the potential for using urban consolidation centres (UCCs) (2024)
Journal Article
Akgün, E. Z., Monios, J., Cowie, J., & Fonzone, A. (2024). The retailer perspective on the potential for using urban consolidation centres (UCCs). Research in Transportation Economics, 103, Article 101413.

This paper examines the role of supportive policies and value-added services which may incentivise retailers to use an urban consolidation centre (UCC). The methodology is a case study of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, based on semi-structured inte... Read More about The retailer perspective on the potential for using urban consolidation centres (UCCs).

Impact of board diversity on Chinese firms’ cross-border M&A performance: An artificial intelligence approach (2024)
Journal Article
Ding, S., Du, M., Cui, T., Zhang, Y., & Duygun, M. (2024). Impact of board diversity on Chinese firms’ cross-border M&A performance: An artificial intelligence approach. International Review of Economics and Finance, 92, 1321-1335.

In this paper, we examine the impact of board demographic characteristics on Chinese firms’ cross-border Mergers and Acquisition (M&A) performance, especially the gender diversity of the board composition. We unveil that female board proportion exhib... Read More about Impact of board diversity on Chinese firms’ cross-border M&A performance: An artificial intelligence approach.

Consumers’ reaction to sci-fi as a source of information for technological development: An empirical analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Messeni Petruzzelli, A., Mora, L., Natalicchio, A., Platania, F., & Toscano Hernandez, C. (2024). Consumers’ reaction to sci-fi as a source of information for technological development: An empirical analysis. Technovation, 132, Article 102970.

Science fiction (sci-fi) creative products inspire individuals by envisioning alternative futures and imaginary technological development. The stimuli conveyed by sci-fi creative products can trigger consumers' interest, which nowadays translate into... Read More about Consumers’ reaction to sci-fi as a source of information for technological development: An empirical analysis.

Vulnerability and Private International Law: Mapping a Normative Approach Towards Asymmetrical Substantive Equality (2024)
Book Chapter
Gillies, L. (2024). Vulnerability and Private International Law: Mapping a Normative Approach Towards Asymmetrical Substantive Equality. In J. Borg-Barthet, K. Trimmings, B. Yüksel Ripley, & P. Živkovic (Eds.), From Theory to Practice in Private International Law: Gedächtnisschrift for Professor Jonathan Fitchen. Bloomsbury Publishing

The first two decades of this century have already witnessed an increasing range of inequalities between individuals across borders. These inequalities are socio-legal or socio-economic challenges which manifest as vulnerability. Operating at the le... Read More about Vulnerability and Private International Law: Mapping a Normative Approach Towards Asymmetrical Substantive Equality.

Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union (2024)
Journal Article
Volintiru, C., Surubaru, N.-C., Epstein, R. A., & Fagan, A. (2024). Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(3), 782-800.

This introduction argues that the East-West divide in Europe continues to be politically salient since the fall of the Berlin Wall and two decades since the accession of most East Central European (ECE) countries to the European Union. We re-evaluate... Read More about Re-evaluating the East-West divide in the European Union.

How do tour guides cope with knowledgeable tourists? Conceptualising knowledge/information asymmetry in tour-guiding contexts (2024)
Journal Article
Rihova, I., & Alexander, M. (online). How do tour guides cope with knowledgeable tourists? Conceptualising knowledge/information asymmetry in tour-guiding contexts. Tourism Review,

Tourists’ resource integration both offers opportunities and presents challenges to tourism service providers. Focussing on the tour guide perspective, this paper explores how tour guides experience knowledge/information-based asymmetry in... Read More about How do tour guides cope with knowledgeable tourists? Conceptualising knowledge/information asymmetry in tour-guiding contexts.

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Edinburgh's Business Community (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Fascia, M. (2024). Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Edinburgh's Business Community

This study explores the multifaceted impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business community in Edinburgh, highlighting how different sectors have responded to unprecedented challenges and adapted to new business environments. It provides an in-de... Read More about Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Edinburgh's Business Community.

Terminology (2024)
Book Chapter
Ghio, E. (2024). Terminology. In E. Ghio, & R. Perlingeiro (Eds.), Are Legal Systems Converging or Diverging? Lessons from Contemporary Crises (15-25). Springer.

This chapter presents the background and framework of the book. It defines key terms, concepts and phenomena relating to the discussions in this volume, such as crisis, globalisation, integration, disintegration, harmonisation, convergence and legal... Read More about Terminology.

Harmonisation and European Integration in Times of Crisis (2024)
Book Chapter
Ghio, E. (2024). Harmonisation and European Integration in Times of Crisis. In E. Ghio, & R. Perlingeiro (Eds.), Are Legal Systems Converging or Diverging? Lessons from Contemporary Crises (255-276). Springer.

Globalisation, generally, and European integration, more specifically, have led to calls for the minimisation of legal diversity which can result in transaction costs and the lack of level-playing field for cross-border actors. One of the prevailing... Read More about Harmonisation and European Integration in Times of Crisis.

Introduction: Convergence and Divergence in Times of Crisis (2024)
Book Chapter
Ghio, E. (2024). Introduction: Convergence and Divergence in Times of Crisis. In E. Ghio, & R. Perlingeiro (Eds.), Are Legal Systems Converging or Diverging? Lessons from Contemporary Crises (1-11). Springer.

While legal harmonisation/convergence is considered to be one of the most influential theses in the discipline of law, the law of harmonisation is full of paradoxes. On the one hand, legal borrowing is commonplace, leading to a phenomenon of converge... Read More about Introduction: Convergence and Divergence in Times of Crisis.

Are Legal Systems Converging or Diverging? Lessons from Contemporary Crises (2024)
Ghio, E., & Perlingeiro, R. (Eds.). (2024). Are Legal Systems Converging or Diverging? Lessons from Contemporary Crises. Springer.

This edited volume investigates legal convergence. It takes an international and thematical approach where chapters focus on how selected legal areas in selected jurisdictions have responded to contemporary crises. The volume aims to provide some ins... Read More about Are Legal Systems Converging or Diverging? Lessons from Contemporary Crises.

Investor sentiment and stock market returns: A story of night and day (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, W. (2024). Investor sentiment and stock market returns: A story of night and day. European Journal of Finance, 30(13), 1437-1469.

Some financial relations have been confirmed to be different overnight and intraday due to different clienteles. In this paper, we assess the impact of investor sentiment on stock market returns in 30 international stock markets overnight and intrada... Read More about Investor sentiment and stock market returns: A story of night and day.

How Do Partnerships Between Academia, Communities and Organisations Foster “Real World” Learning? (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harte, P., Hosanoo, Z., Borthwick Saddler, S., Hill, E., & Fonseca, A. P. (2023, April). How Do Partnerships Between Academia, Communities and Organisations Foster “Real World” Learning?. Presented at AMPS: Applying education in a complex world, Toronto, Canada (online)

Education takes place within dynamic and multifaceted complex systems. Recognising the volatile-uncertain-complex-ambiguous (VUCA) environment, the digital transformation of the higher education sector calls for a novel approach to curriculum and emp... Read More about How Do Partnerships Between Academia, Communities and Organisations Foster “Real World” Learning?.